Saucony Virrata – review

Let me start off by saying… I am no runner.

I have started the Couch to 5K programme twice – last year I stopped at week 3, fearful for my heart (it’s not good when you can feel your pulse bulging in your neck, and you may actually have wet yourself, is it?).
But this year, accompanying the husband on his Road To Good Health, I have managed to stick with it all the way to week 9.

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But – on the cross-trainer.

It just doesn’t seem right for me to inflict my gasping, sodden, scarlet features to the natives of my tiny town.

So I pounded away from the safety of my own back garden – and slowly the look has improved as the fitness has occurred.
And here I am. 3 stone lighter, a mahoosive amount fitter… and ready to take on the Real World at last.

When SportsShoes asked if I’d like to review some trainers I was keen to do so; my old pair being very very old, and very very… tired.

But me and trainers have had a historically tricksy relationship.

I’m rather keen on being barefoot, see. Shoes are a necessary evil – I spend most of my life with chilly toes as I refuse to even wear socks, let alone slippers in the house. And having my feet encased in great big solid supportive rubber?
I just don’t like it.


Saucony Virrata 2

But then I heard about the Saucony running shoes. And I just had to try for myself.

And oh what an eye-opening JOY they are to wear!

Firstly, let us not ignore the sheer prettiness of the eye-watering blue with the splash of scarlet. Love.

They’re SO light! The uppers are of a super-fine mesh fabric – it looks sturdy, but actually there;s just nothing to it (nb – this does mean your feet will actually freeze and lose all life force if you happen to think about cycling in them in January. Just saying…)

And flexible to the point of twisty-bendiness.

When they’re on my feet, I feel like… I’m not wearing much of anything. They fully protect and cushion my feet, and yet have the barefoot feel that I crave. The drop – the angle between the heel and the toe for you non-runners – is 0mm. Zero. Which means they really are like running barefoot, my body is at the exact angle it likes to be.

And don’t tell SportsShoes, but I don’t just use them for running. Oh no – they’ve been rock climbing and kayaking and frequently cycling, and dog walking…

I love them. Really Very Much a Lot.
And I’m proud to say that today I ran 6km in them. Out on the real life road. In front of real people. Without stopping. Or wetting myself.

(NB – I reviewed the original Saucony Virrata – these have now been replaced with the Saucony Virrata 2, currently 50% off at SportsShoes, down to £48. From what I can see they’re even better than MY pair…)

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. Barefoot trail running with the Trail Freak II - LittleStuff - […] running. I was used to big thick chunky padding under my feet – even in my beloved 0mm drop…

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