Carless Whispers – In which Keris says hello to her new car. *sniff*

Carless Whispers – In which Keris says hello to her new car. *sniff*

Yes, it’s been a while, but this is the very last in our Carless Whispers series, in which Keris went from two cars to no cars inside a fortnight – and so decided to save the money and remain carless. You can go back and see the series here if you’ve missed it – but here’s the Very Last One. *sob* I’m not sure whether it was the week with the Skoda Roomster, the relentless rain, or the prospect of...

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Carless Whispers – In which Keris thinks about cars.

Carless Whispers – In which Keris thinks about cars.

In case you’re new around here, the lovely Keris Stainton writes a (sporadic) column for us, called Carless Whispers – describing life as she unwillingly swapped two cars for NO cars. If you want to catch up, you might want to go back to the beginning… start at the bottom and scroll up…) We’ve been on holiday. Yes, we’re still carless, but we didn’t use public transport – that would be...

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Carless Whispers – In Which Keris Contemplates Car Ownership

Carless Whispers – In Which Keris Contemplates Car Ownership

Now that there’s a possibility of us getting a car in the near(ish) future, I’m flip-flopping. I definitely thing the benefits of being carless have outweighed the drawbacks. Possibly. Most of the time anyway. On the plus side, there’s the exercise we’re all getting; the extra time that I spend with the boys, chatting about our day, spotting things on the canal – in fact, just to think we never would have...

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Carless Whispers – In Which Keris’ Car Is Gone. Again.

Carless Whispers – In Which Keris’ Car Is Gone. Again.

So. Where was I? Oh yes, I was smug about how brilliantly we were managing without a car. Then I was whinging about how bloody awful it was not having a car. And then Skoda loaned us a car. For six weeks. And it was completely brilliant. But of course it had to go back and I was very brave. My boys, however, were less than impressed. Harry shed a tear, while Joe was furious, shouting “No! NO!” at the poor man who’d...

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Carless Whispers (extra) – in which Skoda are really rather lovely.

Carless Whispers (extra) – in which Skoda are really rather lovely.

This is from me (Laura), not Keris – but we wanted to do an extra-ordinary Carless post, to let you know what’s happened this week. When Keris began writing about the two-cars-to-no-cars situation she found her family in, she presumed she was entertaining LittleStuff’s readers in her usual fashion. She didn’t expect a car manufacturer to notice. She certainly didn’t expect to get back from the school run yesterday to find...

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