The 1MORE Quad Driver Earbuds fit the 1MORE ethos perfectly – all the engineering of the high end brands of headphones, but without the high end price tag. And can I also say, Mr LittleStuff stole these, and won’t give them back.
Let’s start with just the packaging – well-designed box with all the extras you need. Theres’ a decent case to keep them in, and a large range of both foam and silicone tips for you to find the right fit for your own ear canal. Plus adaptors fpor any socket you might need.
There is a heft and weight to these which bely their price point – they’re solid aluminium, and just feel like they’ve been engineered rather than clicked together on a factory line.
Which of course they have – let’s make no mistakes here, these are great earbuds. The gunmetal grey bullet shaped earpiece (with a snazzy flash of red) has the typical 1MORE angled earbud so it sits perfectly within the ear canal – as long as you find the right tip, they’ll be some of the comfiest earbuds you’ve ever worn
The cable is a sturdy braided affair, with properly clicky control – the weak point on any headphone is often the cable, causing perfectly good earbuds to stop working in one ear due to a loose connection. But these feel like they’ll last for a year or two of tugging in and out of bags and pockets.
I know lots of people are moving towards wireless buds – but there’s always a downside with that lack of cabel, and that’s the battery life and the need for charhing them. Great for short spurts of activity, but if you intend to wear for long periods, you need a solidly built, comfy wired pair.
Above is Mr LittleStuff, on the day we took the train to Amsterdam – we had around 5 hours travelling, and he wore them the whole way. You can see he also prefers to go old school, and use his iPod classic for journeys (again, no drain on his phone’s battery life), which is no good for a bluetooth connection, obviously.
And the sound quality? oh, it’s lush. Rich and vibrant, with decent bass and clear top notes. The ‘quad drivers’ in the name are actually a build description; these have three armature drivers and one carbon driver, which combined create astonishing sound.
If you’re on a budget, then you can bag the Triple Drivers for half the price. And there’s nowt wroing with them at all. But push for the Quad drivers if you can – the build quality suggests twice the price (and will probably mean they last twice as long), and you’ll not get a better sound on any headphone.
The 1MORE Quad Driver Earphones are currently £96 on Amazon.