If you’ve not made friends with it yet, then you need to go and introduce yourself to the Collins4Parents website. It’s not only jam-packed with excellent books for every stage of your child’s learning, but they also offer a boat load of useful resources and practical guides to help both you and your resident student.
And right now Collins are offering a 40% discount on selected books for Back to School until 10 September 2017 when you use code BTS17 at www.collins.co.uk/Collins4Parents
And so we’re on to day two of our #BackToSchoolBooks fortnight – is it good round here this week or WHAT?
And today is SUCH a brilliant prize for all the 5-7yr olds in KS1. We’ve got the still-essential-in-every-home dictionary – and this one’s a perfect illustrated version for 6yr olds which will mean every new reader can grapple with the words and really enjoy learning from it. Plus there’s a Thesaurus aimed at KS1 kids too (now here’s a secret I’ve never told anyone. I was a bright kid, top of my class all the way through primary at anything to do with English, and I sailed through my 11+ and into grammar school probably on the strength of my English too. No extra coaching and tuition in those days! But it wasn’t until I was halfway through my first year in high school that I saw a ‘thesaurus’; I’d never even heard of one, never knew such a thing existed. Oh the joy in my sad, english-mad heart at the idea of a book all about good words!). There’s also a fab book of wordsearches (yes, my little 7yr old heart would have LOVED that too), and on top of all the wordy books there’s a brilliant Primary Atlas too (something I sorely lacked at primary school to be fair. I still have a rather embarrassingly woolly notion of where places are in the world…).
And on top of all that book beautification, joy of all joys, there’s a great big pack of lovely shiny new felt tip pens. Marvellous.
To be in with a chance of winning this lovely bundle of goodness, just answer the first three questions in the magic widget box below. There are more chances to win by completing the other entry options if you so wish – they’re entirely up to you!
The closing date for this competition is midnight 21st August 2017 and only entries received on or before that date can be included. The winner will be the first randomly chosen entry. Good luck!
15 August 2017
I remember mrs Mcloed from middle school. She finally had a sink installed in her classroom so we all had a tap party to celebrate!!! Good time
15 August 2017
Mrs. Mead
15 August 2017
I can only remember my first Junior school teacher, Miss Wells. She had lovely hair.
15 August 2017
Miss Allen, she used to make us pancakes!
15 August 2017
Mrs Lewis who was my French teacher
15 August 2017
Mrs Stewart, I had her twice year 1 and year 4 and she was amazing.
15 August 2017
Mrs Burgess, she had a piano in the corner of the room and would play songs all the time
15 August 2017
Mrs Berry was our music teacher and always made us laugh.
15 August 2017
Miss Tudor
15 August 2017
Mrs prior in infant school. Every afternoon she would read us roald dahl books
15 August 2017
Mrs Higginson – she was fanstastic :D
15 August 2017
mr christopher was very creative , we made a school video (late 70’s so very techo advanced then) and my mum fancied him so it was funny watching how she acted around him! LOL!
15 August 2017
Miss Dixon but went to Mrs curry. She was amazing and so funny
15 August 2017
Mrs Osley, she was my 1st teacher and then she was my eldest daughters 1st teacher. She was a lovely kind lady, bless her
15 August 2017
Nice to read that the teacher had a long career, and was liked and appreciated by her pupils. Good Teachers can have such a Positive impact on pupils
15 August 2017
Mrs Cripps – she was my first ever headteacher. Not many people liked her though!
15 August 2017
Mrs piggings, she was awful.
15 August 2017
Mr George was the headmaster when I started in reception. I remember him having a false hand.
15 August 2017
Awesome mr green
15 August 2017
Lovely Mrs brown
15 August 2017
Mrs.Jackson my infant school teacher
15 August 2017
The first one I can remember was Mrs Tovar who terrified me and always seemed to want me to do impossible things!!
19 August 2017
Mrs Joyce always encouraged baking and cooking skills
She was a star
15 August 2017
Can’t remember the name but he made me cry and have never forgotten it! Apparently he had a lot of complaints from other parents too x
15 August 2017
Has to be Mr Life my science teacher at middle school. His lab had an array of pickled ex life forms scattered around, and he was fantastically bonkers yet an absolutely amazing teacher!!
15 August 2017
I can remember my Year R teacher Mrs. Featherstone x
15 August 2017
My first German teacher was Mrs Walker
15 August 2017
The first teacher I remember is Mrs Greenan she was lovely! I remember clearly her giving me a carton of milk when I was really upset! It’s funny the things you remember! Definitely fond memories!!
15 August 2017
My first teacher was truly the best, her name was Galina Georgievna.
15 August 2017
mrs sharp
15 August 2017
Mrs Else, I adored her & my mum always reminded me that when I fell out with my mum & dad I used to cry that I wanted Mrs Else to be my mum!! ?
15 August 2017
Mr Dougan was Headmaster at primary school. He had a good sense of humour.
15 August 2017
Mrs Butler was my first teacher – like in the poem! (Please Mrs Butler)
15 August 2017
Mrs Dale, a music teacher and where we hung out at break and lunch
15 August 2017
My reception teacher Mrs Greenacre.
15 August 2017
mrs worsley she was my music teacher at primary school
15 August 2017
Mrs Hoborg, my nursery teacher. She forced me to eat beet root. It was such a strong experience that I wouldn’t touch anything with beet root until my 20s and now in my 30s I’m still not keen. Sometimes teachers don’t seem to realise what a difference they can make; good or bad.
15 August 2017
Mrs Aspinall :) i remember her from when i was in primary school.
Thankyou for the chance to win x
15 August 2017
Mrs Haines, She was nursery teacher. She was so lovely and kind ? She is the reason I am an EYP today ?
15 August 2017
My 1st teacher I remember was Miss Aplin, she also taught my son a few years ago, which was lovely xXx
15 August 2017
I had a form tutor from year 7 to year 11 he was amazing he turned 40 the year we left so we brought him a present gave it to him in assembly- he cried x
15 August 2017
Mrs Chiswick who taught me how to tie my laces on a giant green shoe. She told me the shoe belonged to the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk. She was a fantastic storyteller and I still remember how great she was!
15 August 2017
Mrs Hammond – first teacher in infant school. I can remember every teacher I had in infants and junior school.
15 August 2017
Mrs Stoddart she was lovely but if you messed about she’d tell you to get out, that is until you got to the door then she’d call you back to explain what you were doing ?
15 August 2017
Mrs Rushbrooke
15 August 2017
Mrs Nicholson, I had her for 2 years and loved her!
15 August 2017
Miss Turner taught me Maths! She was the only teacher that took the time to explain things to me, I loved her!
15 August 2017
Mrs Bird was my head teacher in pre-school. I always remember her because I asked my mum why she didn’t have wings!!
15 August 2017
I remember Miss Norris at my primary school. It fasinated me that one day she wore glasses and the next she had contact lenses.
Lovely lady.
16 August 2017
Mrs Ibbison. I had a massive crush on her. And I got a kiss too. :)
16 August 2017
Mrs Sanderson from year 3 she made me love school and showed me so many things! She taught me how to cross stitch and we hatched baby chicks in her classroom! She taught us outside her mobile classroom on hot days…. so many memories
16 August 2017
Miss Mollard was both mine and then my brothers nursery teacher! She was so kind and friendly and I remember her going off to France!
16 August 2017
My reception teacher Mrs Woan
16 August 2017
Mrs Pelham, she played the guitar
16 August 2017
My first school was in a small village, each class was one year, Mrs Harvey, Mrs Rees, Mrs Cotter, never can remember the next one, we called her Woolly, and the headmistress taught the oldest year
16 August 2017
When I was 9, his name was Mr Liptrot
16 August 2017
Mrs Pratt – probably because of the name!
16 August 2017
Mr Stevens our geography teacher, funniest teacher I had
16 August 2017
mrs whitmore, year r
16 August 2017
The first one I remember is Mrs Snow who was my teacher when I was 6. I just recall she was very kind.
16 August 2017
Mrs Mather, my class 1 teacher. ?
16 August 2017
mr wong the art teacher who could win an olympic gold with his chucking power with the board rubber.
16 August 2017
Mrs Thompson and I owe her so much. I changed schools at 8 because we moved. At that point I could not read or write at all, I was classed as ‘backward’. Mrs Thompson took me under her wing and every day I stood by her desk and would read to her, just having that 1 to 1 made such a difference.
16 August 2017
16 August 2017
Mr McGregor, 2nd year juniors. No idea about who came before that (vague memory of a lady who made me read all the level 2 and 3 books when I’d already finished level 4 or possibly 5) but he was brilliant!
16 August 2017
mrs collins
16 August 2017
Miss allen
16 August 2017
Mrs Schutt taught me to read and write. She already passed away but I`m still thinking about her sometimes.
16 August 2017
Miss George was my first teacher, back in the 50’s. She kept her hadkerchief under the elastic of her long drawers. We were all rather frightened of her.
16 August 2017
The first teacher I remember is miss garner, she would plays with us on the reading matt.
16 August 2017
Mr Thompson! He taught my daughter too, and will teach my niece and nephew! Lovely kind man x
16 August 2017
My very first teacher in infant school was called Mrs Pain! She was lovely though.
16 August 2017
Mrs Hamer – known as the strict teacher in our primary school but I loved her and she is the reason I have neat handwriting!
16 August 2017
Mr Brice it was my math teacher in college for 4 years the best teacher I ever had
16 August 2017
Not my first teacher, but the most special one:- Mrs Gordon – She made every child feel special
16 August 2017
My primary school art teacher Astrid Grant was fabulous x
16 August 2017
Mr thornhill he was the first teacher to make Time to help me
16 August 2017
Mrs Brankin, my reception teacher.
16 August 2017
Mrs Richie
16 August 2017
Miss O’neil!
16 August 2017
Miss Ericka
A fab collection for my 6 year old home schooled son. He love learning and this would be wonderful for our learning adventure’ Thanks for the chance
17 August 2017
Mr and Mrs Foster who were the most lovely teachers ever – they were so kind and patient! i still see them now as they live close to my parents
17 August 2017
I will never forget my first day of school, My first teacher was called Miss Rennie and she was lovely, quite little with a soft voice I found her quite funny.
17 August 2017
I remwmber my p1 teacher mrs green
17 August 2017
I remember Mrs Holetham, a lovely lady who actually let me start school before I was the correct age. I’m sure they wouldn’t get away with that nowadays!
17 August 2017
It was Mrs Jack. She was a kind lady and lived just along the road from us.
17 August 2017
Mr Alfred in yr 3.
He had a large ginger moustache ?
17 August 2017
Mrs Brown she taught us some lovely nursery rhymes whilst playing the piano.
17 August 2017
The first teacher i can remember is Mrs Deast, she was lovely
17 August 2017
Leave a blog comment and tell me the name of the first teacher you remember! . . . . Mr Muir
17 August 2017
Mrs O’connor my kindergartener teacher. She used to tape my mouth shut!!!
17 August 2017
Mrs Dempster
17 August 2017
Mrs Webb my primary school teacher. I still see her occasionally
17 August 2017
Mrs Brent – she was my first teacher at Primary School and a lovely lady.
17 August 2017
Mrs Dack but the Hildenborough called her Mrs Duck!!
17 August 2017
Mrs Dack but the children called her Mrs Duck
17 August 2017
Mr Bogg was my form tutor and he was an awesome teacher.
17 August 2017
My Year 1 teacher Mrs Jones was fab! I don’t ever remember her not smiling and she told us her first name (Valery) which was exciting because teachers never did that!
17 August 2017
Mrs Farrant my reception teacher, she had a bird puppet which she used to tell us stories at storytime!
17 August 2017
I remember Miss Daniels ,she taught me to Knit in nursery
18 August 2017
Mrs Peters, my nursery school teacher.
18 August 2017
Mrs White, i remember her from primary school – i remember her sneaking up on me when we lined up from play so she could tell me i was being moved up a level in Math!
18 August 2017
Mrs Potts, my first ever teacher who used to often look grumpy but was lovely.
18 August 2017
Nursery teacher
18 August 2017
Mrs Boyle. I had tge same teacher all the way through primary
18 August 2017
Miss Beaton was my first teacher at 4 years old. Apparently I told her she smells.
18 August 2017
Mrs Williams was one of my lovely Infants school teachers ?
18 August 2017
Mrs Rex – she used to cry a lot when some of the children played up!
18 August 2017
Mrs Thorpe
18 August 2017
Mrs Cameron in primary school, I didn’t like her. It was a small village school with only 2 teachers.
18 August 2017
Mr Bolton Science teacher
18 August 2017
Miss Green in Primary school.
18 August 2017
Mrs Mortimer. She was a monster and would be sacked if she worked with children today.
18 August 2017
Mrs Teale from my infant school. She also ran a farm club on Saturday mornings.
18 August 2017
My first teacher was Mrs Ashley, such a lovely kind lady and a very good teacher
18 August 2017
Mes Stela in primary school
18 August 2017
I remember my history teacher, she was a old lady but quite sweet, Mrs PAscall
18 August 2017
Hmm. It’s been a while but I remember a Mrs Carpenter who taught needlework (before it became something else, Domestic Science I think) she was like a favourite aunt.
18 August 2017
I remember my first teacher, Miss Ash, she was lovely and kind
19 August 2017
My memory is of Mrs Millar my first P1 teacher who was an older lady but had heart of gold. Amazing and kind.
19 August 2017
I vaguely remember a Miss Bean who was thin and reminded me of a long runner bean!
19 August 2017
Miss Lyons in junior school, I just remember how nice she was to me and really attentive
19 August 2017
My first teacher that I can remember was a sweet lady called Mrs Rickets.
19 August 2017
Mrs Farley one of my primary school teachers she was so kind ?
19 August 2017
mrs townley,she was always my fav,and funnily enough i now clean for her,she is around 90ish now and i help her and her lovely husband <3
19 August 2017
Miss Whittingham was was our human biology teacher
19 August 2017
Mr Mullard, he was an ex red admiral pilot and loved playing the accordion.
19 August 2017
My reception teacher always went out of her way to make sure I was happy and settled
19 August 2017
mrs islington
19 August 2017
Miss Jones, she was a friendly teacher who left mid-term I was gutted and even wrote her a letter she wrote me one back ?
19 August 2017
mrs Nicole, my reception teacher 30 years ago!
19 August 2017
Mr ward was the first teacher I really remember, he was fantastic, though me in year 4. Learned all about electronics, woodwork and he had 2 gerbils in a huge tank in his room who used to come home with me during the school holidays. Still see him regularly.
19 August 2017
Mr Straw – Physics teacher. Really cared and passionate about physics. Wanted to help students.
19 August 2017
Charlie was my favourite teacher still see him now and still remember
20 August 2017
I remember miss berg in year , she would always let me take 2 reading books home!
20 August 2017
Mrs Davies!! My Infants teacher. She was so lovely – Jet black hair, shiny white teeth and she smelt off White musk!!! I’m not painting a great picture am I!!;.)
20 August 2017
Mrs Holmes. She was such a lovely lady. I was a very shy child and cried every morning when Mum took me to school. Mrs Holmes used to give me a cuddle and let me help her to read out the register until I’d calmed down. I still saw her around the village most weeks until she sadly passed away last year, well into her eighties. She still remembered me and many of my classmates, 35 years after she’d been our teacher.
20 August 2017
Mrs Barbour
20 August 2017
Mr Davies my last teacher in Junior school. He managed to find what each and every one of us was good at and encouraged us in whatever it was. In my case it was drawing which helped me no end with my confidence and gave me a good start in secondary school
20 August 2017
My first primary school teacher Mrs Clarke
20 August 2017
Mrs Davies, we used to follow her round at lunch…poor woman!
20 August 2017
Mrs Bourne -reception class -I was terrified of her
20 August 2017
Mrs Innes, her family were from Australia so we learned many amazing facts
20 August 2017
Miss MacDonald, she was horrible
20 August 2017
Mr Michael who was a wonderful inspiration to the whole class.
20 August 2017
Definitely have to be Mr Drake, he made year 4 so much fun
20 August 2017
Mrs Cheyne who I remember as being very grumpy and very strict.
20 August 2017
Mrs Garrett
20 August 2017
My first ever headteacher, Mrs Wallis. She scared the living daylights out of me!
20 August 2017
Mrs Allom, she was lovely!
20 August 2017
Mrs Burcher she was my favourite teacher at school
20 August 2017
mr papworth
20 August 2017
Her name was Mrs Beynon, she was man year1/2 teacher, she always told me I was destined for great things. She gave me self belief, priceless.
20 August 2017
Mrs Bennett my first school head teacher she was lovely
20 August 2017
I remember mr Halford, I was with him for two years in a row and he was fab, made me really want to learn more, he made it interesting!
20 August 2017
Mrs Harris my form teacher x
20 August 2017
My music teacher Mrs Howells, I was in the school choir and she cried when we all sang O Holy Night at the Christmas performance.
20 August 2017
Miss Bearman. I moved schools when I was six (having been very unhappy with a horrible teacher at the previous school) and she was my new class teacher. I remember her as very kind and she encouraged my love of reading instead of squashing it!
20 August 2017
I remember Miss Hughes in Infants
20 August 2017
Mrs Cockateal YEP she had short spiky Bob hair which looked just like the bird ? Her voice was like caramel so soft and gentle and she would alway give us a tiny cuddle us as we went in as 5/6 year olds
21 August 2017
I remember my yr 2 teacher, she was a kind of hippy type lady and I remember I could never understand why she was Ms and not Miss or Mrs lol
21 August 2017
21 August 2017
Mrs Wolfo, she used to make us all clap in assembly and she would sing and dance
21 August 2017
Mrs Stephens she had long Brown hair I thought she was a mermaid made such a huge impact on me in life. I wonder what happened to her probably swimming with the dolphins
21 August 2017
My favourite teacher was mrs Pearce, a lovely woman, and quite stern?
21 August 2017
Mr Brass my first Primary School Headmaster.
21 August 2017
The teacher I remember the most, was a Miss Georgina Waterhouse. She was absolutely wonderful, an amazing teacher, kind, caring and inspired in me a love of English Lit.
21 August 2017
I always remember Mrs Wilson, she was a fantastic teacher and fun
21 August 2017
Mrs Burns my first Primary School teacher
21 August 2017
Miss Leach
21 August 2017
Mrs brookes
21 August 2017
My first teacher I remember was called mrs Dennis and she was my year 2 teacher and very strict
21 August 2017
Miss Perry – she was just always so happy and approachable x
21 August 2017
Miss Griffiths, probably the first, and last, teacher that I liked
21 August 2017
Miss Green, my first Infant school teacher!
21 August 2017
Miss Majury. She was so lovely!
21 August 2017
Miss Newman was my first teacher at Primary school 54 years ago, such a lovely lady and I still see her often to this day, she never seems to age :-)
21 August 2017
Miss Hurst
21 August 2017
mr charles his nickname was chopper charles ex army seargent
21 August 2017
Mr Gardiner my Maths teacher. Used to throw chalk at you if he thought you weren’t playing attention. Soon stopped when he accidently hit someone in the eye and their parents came to the school. Apparently he had been doing it for years.
21 August 2017
Mrs Doorman
21 August 2017
Mrs Aston she gave me detention for biting another pupil, very stressful for me!
21 August 2017
Mr Alfred
21 August 2017
The first teacher I remember was Mr Lewins, my headteacher throughout primary school. A very nice man and an excellent headteacher.
21 August 2017
Mrs Love
21 August 2017
I remember my first primary school teacher Mrs Cole xxx
21 August 2017
Mrs Hanson, my awe-inspiring headteacher. Wore a huge black cloak and swept through the school!
21 August 2017
mr holland
21 August 2017
mr forsey, he was deputy head and a teacher at my junior school, he was responsible for giving the cane or dap as punishment but he was a big softie and if the child was a bit scared he would say ” hold out your hand” in a stern voice then he would place the cane or dap in the palm of your hand and say “there ive given you the cane/dap now”
he was the kindest sweetest teacher ever
21 August 2017
Mrs Morris was my year 3 teacher, she left to have a baby and the whole class was very upset.
21 August 2017
My primary school teacher who I has for 3 years Mrs Bacon. She terrified me but was a brilliant teacher
21 August 2017
21 August 2017
I remember my nursery teacher her name was Mrs.Winkle, she was so over the top and flamboyant she made my nursery years fantastic.
21 August 2017
The first teacher I remember was actually a teaching assistant. Her name was Mrs Flanagen (I don’t know how to spell it but it was said Flan-a-genn)She was amazing! She left soon after I met her, but she was always kind. She had a pet statue pig, who you could write letters about your concerns to. When you wrote a letter, you would always get a reply with a big, glittery sticker. A couple of weeks before she left, you got Percy Pig sweets! She’s still my favourite teaching assistant to this day!
21 August 2017
Mrs. Murphy who was my year 3 teacher she was so kind and gentle
21 August 2017
It was a Teacher names Mrs Sibthorpe.
21 August 2017
the first teacher I remember was called Miss Pine (many years ago)
21 August 2017
MRS JONES- she was a teacher of the old school. She stood for no nonsense from us, and she was a wonderful purveyor of knowledge
21 August 2017
I remember Mr and Mrs Skinner, they always played the guitar and piano in the assembles with such grace and feeling to it, you wanted to always sing at the top of your lungs to be in the spirit of things like they always were.
21 August 2017
Mrs Davidson my primary 1 teacher
21 August 2017
Mr.Gadd my maths teacher in primary school. I was one of his favourites, a teacher’s pet!
21 August 2017
Miss Taggart My P1 teacher
21 August 2017
I dont really remember my primary school teachers very well but I will always rememebr the headmistress Miss Gardiner. Shr brought her two labradors to school with her everyday and if you did well in class you was allowed to go and feed them treats and pet them after lunch!
21 August 2017
I dont really remember my primary school teachers very well but I will always rememebr the headmistress Miss Gardiner. Shr brought her two labradors to school with her everyday and if you did well in class you was allowed to go and feed them treats and pet them after lunch!
21 August 2017
Mr Murphy. he was a morris dancer and canooist too! Fun times!
21 August 2017
Mrs Smith
21 August 2017
i remember my first teacher she also toucht choir mrs bozzolla
21 August 2017
Mrs Clarke she picked the gravel out of my knee when I dented it on the playground, when she left I cried, looking back she was nurturing and inspiring and taught us we could do anything
21 August 2017
Mr Knight, he had a stroke and was told he may not walk or talk again and he was back teaching us before the end of the school year!
21 August 2017
Mrs Bavin, she was a lovely old lady, very kind.
21 August 2017
Mr Webb, one of my primary school teachers, used to pass us on the way to school on his bike and ask my mum if I’d had my Weetabix for breakfast.
21 August 2017
Mr Hamilton, I think he was a chemistry teacher.
21 August 2017
Mrs Finlay my P5 teacher
21 August 2017
Mrs Coughling she taught English
21 August 2017
Mrs Drury – my reception teacher x