Win a Back To School Book Bundle for 7-9yr olds with Collins

If you’ve not made friends with it yet, then you need to go and introduce yourself to the Collins4Parents website. It’s not only jam-packed with excellent books for every stage of your child’s learning, but they also offer a boat load of useful resources and practical guides to help both you and your resident student.

And right now Collins are offering a 40% discount on selected books for Back to School until 10 September 2017 when you use code BTS17 at

It’s Day THREE of #BackToSchoolBooks fortnight – and today we’re staying on theme with the Spelling Wordsearches and Primary Atlas, but we’re also livening things up a bit for the 7-9yr olds with two of Collins brilliant ‘Fascinating Facts’ books. My kids LOVE this series, so easy to dip into for five minutes and find yourself still there twenty minutes later. For the 7-9yr olds Collins have picked their top two titles – Animals and the Solar System. And, of course, the lovely pack of felt tips (honestly? When I type that I’m always tempted to type the Blankety-Blank-Cheque-Book-and-Pen… #ShowingMyAge) too.


So how to win this fab Back To School set for 7-9yr olds? Tis simples! Just use the box below to enter – closing date is the 22nd August, and first name out of the cyber hat wins. And once you’ve entered, make sure you go back and enter Days 1 & 2 if you missed them – stick around, we’re here all week ;)

Good Luck!
Back To School with Collins 3 | 7-9yrolds

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. Gorillas or Tigers :)

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  2. I love all animals, I can’t choose just one, tigers, horses, guinea pigs, alpacas, the list goes on and on.

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  3. Cats! Oh I love them although they don’t love me much! They can be quite snobby and like to do their own thing.
    I love that they are great climbers

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  4. Monkeys! They are so mischievous ?

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  5. Snakes, especially Gaboon Vipers

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  6. Tigers! They are so beautiful and majestic

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  7. A giraffe or bidraffe as our 3 year old calls it lol

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  8. I love aardvarks!

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  9. I’m not sure that I have a favourite. I find all animals fascinating. I get very excited when I see a toad or a hedgehog in the garden, or a bird of prey flying over. I also love watching fish, especially tropical ones. I love elephants, giraffe, meerkat and winnie the pooh too!

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  10. cats love them ive got 3

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  11. Love polar bears x

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  12. penguins, always the penguins!

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  13. Monkey. There is such variety, and they are fascinating.

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  14. Apacas,I think they’re great!

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  15. Butterflies – so many of them…

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  16. giraffes . . . . love their long tongues

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  17. got to be giraffes.

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  18. Giraffes are my favourite animal.

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  19. Elephants for sure!

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  20. Cat! Meow =^-^=

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  21. I love giraffes

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  22. Elephants all day long!

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  23. Not strictly an animal but I love pigeons and doves. Their beauty, intelligence, resourcefulness and gentleness always amazes me.

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  24. Dolphins so graceful

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  25. I adore chipmunks

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  26. Wolves and my all time favourite animal although I love all types really.

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  27. It has to be monkeys for me I’ve always loved them x

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  28. dolphins – beautiful creatures

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  29. A Hippopotamus

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  30. My son James said Sharks because they are amazing and he loves learning lots of facts about them! x

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  31. Dolphins was fortunate to swim with them

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  32. My daughter Sheriah loves giraffes

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  33. Giraffes fascinate me

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  34. I love tigers x

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  36. i have a soft spot for otters

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  37. I love pandas

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  38. I love all animals but my current favourite is the lion

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  39. I don’t do favourites but seahorses are so graceful and have male mummies!

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  40. I find elephants really enchanting

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  41. Any of the big cats

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  42. My joint-favourite animals are monkeys and hamsters

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  43. A dog – adore them all

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  44. My favourite animal is a Jaguar! My daughter’s favourite animal is a zebra!

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  45. Foxes they are so Majestic

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  46. Husky dogs with blue eyes. Beautiful

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  47. My favourite animal is a leopard.

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  48. Tiger, definitely!

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  49. Tigers and wolves are our favourites, we have our own “wolf” in the shape of our black labrador cross, Doni.

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  50. i love all animals but orangutans and penguins are my favourite

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  51. Any type of monkey! I’ve always loved them, especially capuchins ??

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  52. I love tortoises xxx

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  53. Would have to be Meetkats

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  54. Would Be the lions

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  55. Would have to be gorilla’s we’ve seen them at the zoo before and I find them fascinating

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  56. My favourite animal is the Penguin!

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