It’s The Annual ’12 Days of an ELC Christmas’! On the 6th Day… Happyland Funfair Set!

Happyland Funfair prize


HappyLand Ready to Play Funfair – packed full of fun activity for your toddler.

With Three fun rides, two vehicles and seven people, the HappyLand Ready to Play Funfair is fantastic value and great fun for your toddler.

Quick facts:
•HappyLand Ready to Play Funfair Set
•3 rides: carousel, rocket, pirate ride
•2 vehicles: train,car
•7 people, including a clown

So how to win the Happyland Funfair Set? Well, you have just 24 hours to complete as many of the options below as you like. It’s easy…


See you tomorrow for Day 7!

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. I have lots of coloured ones as my daughter loves all the bright lights. They also twinkle and play music!! The tackier the better haha!

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  2. Always gone for coloured lights

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  3. I’d love to have coloured lights but we dont have any and never have as other family members reckon they are too much of a fire risk

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  4. twinkly white ones

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  5. Coloured ones :)

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  6. my lights are multi coloured that flash in different colours

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  7. Coloured ones

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  8. coloured ones, no fancy tricks though

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  9. I have both – coloured on my trees and plain around the windows!

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  10. White ones on the Christmas tree

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  11. We have the battery ones as im very concious about having a flame around with a 4 year old. They are great and still look like the real ones xx

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  12. Chilli shaped ones because my husband’s hobby is growing chillies

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  13. We like having coloured fairy lights at Eid. :)

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  14. Musical white ones (love the music for about an hour then it gets turned off!)

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  15. We have white ones as everything else on the tree is colourful :)

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  16. If they’re working they should be white!!

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  17. Fibre Optic colour changing lights for us!

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  18. colourful ones :)

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  19. i have blue lights

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  20. White ones, always look like stars shining on the tree

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  21. Red ones on a black tree.

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  22. we have coloured mutli-function lights. I love watching them twinkling!

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  23. I’ve white on my tree blue out front and colourful up the stairs :)

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  24. Coloured flashing lights

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  25. white lights

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  26. It’s got to be coloured lights in our house x

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  27. i’ve always had yellow ones in the past, but as my kids are autistic, we’re keeping the tree simple this year and decorating it with no fuss, just multicoloured lights.

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  28. blue lights on a white tree

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  29. when I was a child we always had coloured ones but now we have white one with traditional red, green and gold decs they look lovely.

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  30. white on the tree definitely.

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  31. We have white lights, they twinkle like the stars in the night sky :-)

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  32. always coloured ones

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  33. Our tree is pre-lit with white lights.

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  34. Both coloured & white

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  35. Lots of bright, coloured flashing lights

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  36. Ooohhhh flashing white ones my kids love them and they help santa find us xx

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  37. White twinkly ones!

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  38. white lights on a black tree

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  39. We’ve always had clear lights. Enough colour from all the baubles and extras.

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  40. i must be a bit greedy have both i have static purple ones and chasing white ones

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  41. Definitely twinkling coloured lights!

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  42. We have white lights – love them! Everything else on the tree is a riot of rainbow colours though :-)

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  43. Yesterday I bought coloured lights. Last year we had red berry lights but my tree was way too red, it looked like it belonged in a brothel!

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  44. I have white/clear lights as I have a white tree :)

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  45. nothingg to od with me – him and the girls

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  46. Just white ones for me…then lots of colour with baubles!

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  47. Beautiful multicoloured lights-gives me that lovely warm fuzzy glow in my belly just looking at them :)

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  48. I have mixed colours, i tried the plain white ones but didnt like them

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  49. Both! We have loads of lights all around the house all year round!

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  50. they’re white (when they are working !) :-)

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  51. We have blue ones on our tree – but would love to buy some purple ones maybe next year if I save up. thanks for the chance to win this great prize – Merry Christmas

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  52. Clear lights x

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  53. Changing coloured

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  54. White at the top coloured at the bottom!!!

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  55. We have a set of both, love a bright tree x

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  56. I like plain white lights on an indoor tree but coloured for outside

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  57. Not sure yet. We still have to buy a tree and light. X

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  58. clear lights here

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  59. Over the years we’ve had plain and coloured but now we have fibre optic tree with subtle colours

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  60. white for the tree, coloured round hall mirror

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    • We have multi coloured lights with changing patterns

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  61. Clear twinkling lights all the way!

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  62. White/clear on the tree and coloured ones over the fire place

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  63. Multi-coloured when I was growing up, white ones now.

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  64. Clear and static. Do love the coloured ones though :)

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  65. We have coloured lights that flash in different sequences. Last year I bought another two sets so my christmas tree looks sparkle-tastic!!!

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  66. White – so much prettier.

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  67. my christmas tree lights are multi coloured, it’s a fibre optic tree!

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  68. We have white lights on the tree and blue lights outside the house.

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  69. We have a white christmas tree with blue purple pink and green baubles and tinsel so we’ve bought bright clear white lights and they shine off the colours and it looks lovely :-)

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  70. Twinkling white ones

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  71. white, for a classical look

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  72. Sparkling white lights. They look lovely on an evening.

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  73. We have clear twinkling lights on our tree

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  74. Love white but love it most when they all work!!

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  75. white all the way in this house

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  76. Coloured lights for us.

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  77. Has to be white for us, on the tree and around the house, like on the bannister.. i love gairy lights :D soo pretty and magical xx

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  78. We always had coloured ones I keep with the tradition tho mine now flash! I have white ones on half tree in hallway- to try be elegant!

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  79. coloured- no colour scheme with our little ones doing it!!

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  80. Mine are Coloured and musical

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  81. We have coloured ones, loads of them on the tree, because I like it to be bright and festive and uncoordinated and fun!

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  82. Coloured lights, all the colours of the rainbow :)

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  83. blue and clear coloured lights

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    • Multicolour light bulbs.

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  84. We Have All Different Coloured Lights!

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  85. I have lots of coloured flashing lights on my tree!

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  86. Our lights are multi-coloured ~ I love the different colours all shimmering and sparkling throughout the tree!

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  87. White lights for me

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  88. i have purple and blue and pink flashing lights

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  89. We’ve always had coloured lights, since I was little! Don’t think I could change now…

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  90. Coloured in this house

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  91. Both – as many as I can cram onto the tree :)

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  92. Coloured lights – nice and bright.

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  93. coloured and flashing and musical blue :)

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  94. White ones that have 4 flash settings. Chasing lights are my favorite. :D

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  95. White lights on our tree

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  96. Coloured :) so pretty! X

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  97. We have a black fibre optic tree which flashes lots of different bright colours. I don’t actually have a set of separate lights on it. But I have a set of lights around my mirror which are red berries. We only purchased them last year

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  98. Coloured lights in our house :) looks pretty and stands out more

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  99. Random, whatever works when we drag them down from the loft.

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  100. Clear white lights always. I have an out of proportion dislike for coloured lights. And as for tinsel- I daren’t start!

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  101. we have all different coloured lights.

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  102. Always white lights for us and coloured themed decorations, usually red and silver

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  103. White lights every time!

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  104. Only white, always only white lights for my tree

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  105. White is just right for me :)

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  106. Lots of colored ones!

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  107. Coloured ones like the tree in the snowman!

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  108. white lights

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  109. red a and white

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  110. White on the tree & red to decorate picture frames and shelves.

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  111. Which set? :D We have loads of lights at Christmas some colour change, some blue and some clear ones!

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  112. I’ve always gone for plain lights, they really compliment all the lovely colours that are already on mu tree.

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  113. I prefer white lights but seem to have coloured ones ..

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  114. Coloured ones this year and lots of them, this year has been a very sad one for my family and I want the final few weeks of 2013 to be remembered in a blaze of technicolour.

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  115. white! it’s a tiny tree though so tiny lights!

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  116. White ones on our tree.

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  117. White for us this year

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  118. Coloured lights!

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  119. LEDblue bright ones !!!! Love them !

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  120. coloured lights that flash!

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  121. bright blue LED – really festive :D

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  122. This year is colourful :)

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  123. white ones, until they die.

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  124. coloured and flashing

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  125. Multi coloured in our house

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  126. Multi coloured for me, love a bright and colourful Christmas x

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  127. Both actually – needed more than one set on the tree

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  128. I only have white ones that dont flash. love it xx

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  129. White – lots and lots and lots of white!

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  130. coloured ones that flash

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  131. both and i let my son decide

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  132. We have coloured flashing lights, the children choose them last year

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  133. White lights

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  134. We have a white set and a coloured set on our tree x

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  135. White lights on both trees! I love Christmas.

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  136. We have his and her trees! Mine is colour coordinated with white lights and his is multi coloured with coloured lights!

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  137. love the twinkle of coloured lights,its magical xx

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  138. All the lights, as many as possible

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  139. I personally like White Lights but my hubby likes coloured lights so perhaps we will need to toss a coin this year to decide LOL -liked, shared, retweeted @yellowcumbrian. My kids would love these.

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  140. If you have coloured lights they need to all be the same colour. I don’t like the multicoloured ones.

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  141. white and red only

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  142. We have white lights on our tree :)

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  143. I don’t have a Christmas tree as my cats would just pull it down trying to climb up it but outside in my garden I have white lights

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  144. Coloured on the tree. White around the house

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  145. Well prefer Xmas lights to be different colours, just love the reds golds and greens so my answer is “coloured”

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  146. white ones

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  147. Multicoloured and flashing

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  148. White ones, that blink!

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  149. White lights for my white tree.

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  150. white and blue

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  151. coloured and they play music!

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  152. Coloured and flashing ones

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  153. Ice white so they go with everything.

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  154. we have a set of both our tree is gonna be shiny

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  155. red berry twinkling ones

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  156. Twinkly white lights

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  157. Coloured flashing ones

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  158. For our main tree in the living room we have white lights with lots of lovely decorations but I have a tree for outside aswell which have coloured lights on it but no decorations

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  159. I have pink LED lights on my white tree, they’re amazing

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  160. gorgeous bright white

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  161. I am a white lights type of girl on my tree but the rest of the house…….anything goes x

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  162. Both! Christmas is about excess! Lol

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  163. Beautifully coloured flashing lights

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  164. i have a tree with each because i cant decide

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  165. Coloured flashing ones

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  166. I use a lot of colourful decorations so i always opt for white lights to balance it out otherwise the tree would look dark xoxox

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  167. I prefer colourful lights.

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  168. I have both,the coloured ones play music too

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  169. It’s a battle every year. I prefer plain white but everyone else likes coloured ones. I usually win but every string the coloured ones somewhere around the house.

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  170. Coloured ones :)

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  171. Flashing coloured lights! :)

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  172. clear lights but colourful baubles

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  173. Definitely white/clear ones

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  174. my tree has mixed white and coloured the more colours the more magical :)

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  175. Coloured lights that flash and play carols (not my choice lol)

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  176. always coloured x

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  177. Cascading white ones

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  178. White on the “grown up” tree and coloured on the “children’s” tree

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  179. we have coloured ones which you can change how often they flash

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  180. White ones as the rest of our tree is colourful x

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  181. I like pure white ones for the tree, we also have some jolly multicoloured in the hall for the kids :)

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  182. Lots of white ones

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  183. i have coloured ones BUT i have to take all the blue bulbs out and replace with different colours cos they make me feel seasick !!!

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  184. lots and lots of different colours I like to see as many different colours as possible on our tree :)

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  185. Both!! I love fairy lights. We have a plain white set on one tree and coloured ones on the ‘kids’ tree. Also have some twinkling lights in my kitchen which stay up all year :-)

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  186. coloured one thats flash on and off

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  187. Little white ones.x

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  188. Another super prize for day 6 …. Nice! :)

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  189. We have two trees, one coloured and one with gold lights.

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  190. white and are connected to the christmas tree

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  191. Coloured flashing ones

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  192. Twinkling white ones

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  193. i have plain white ones this year but they are on a purple tree :-) lol x

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  194. I prefer white ones or red ones. I hate multi-coloured ones and flashing ones.

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  195. White ones, pre-lit tree. best buy EVER plug in decorate done :)

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  196. Coloured flashing ones.

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  197. coloured twinkling lights, it is more fun!

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  198. just some little coloured ones, we used to have white ones though and they went lovely against the red and green decorations.

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  199. We have coloured lights

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  200. our Christmas lights are all bright electric blue this year !

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  201. we have a set of both x

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  202. coloured lights

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  203. Lovely sparkely white ones

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  204. Coloured, my favourite ones are purple

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  205. White twinkley ones look great

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  206. White lights – lovely

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  207. coloured lights

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  208. We have both white and coloured lights x

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  209. White lights always

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  210. Coloured lights for us, the more colours the better

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  211. coloured led lights for us, they look more festive.

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  212. Which tree? Generally, multi coloured, flASHING WITH MUSIC IF POSSIBLE. MORE IS MORE

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  213. we have coloured lights

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  214. Plain white lights for us!

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  215. lovely prize niamh loves happyland

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  216. oops forgot to say white lights

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  217. Artificial real looking tree with built in coloured lights

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  218. Has to be white!

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  219. coloured berries!

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  220. White sparkly ones :-)

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  221. White and blue…very wintry

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  222. White & blue led’s for us

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  223. White ones but they twinkle

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  224. Lots of white lights

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  225. Both – all over the house. We love ’em.

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  226. My fairy lights are the white ones, much nicer!! :)

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  227. Coloured lights that are already part of the Christmas tree so no trying to find the rogue one when they won’t work!

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  228. Coloured lights

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  229. White lights

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  230. always warm white LEDs

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  231. White for the tree, coloured in the window x

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  232. Coloured, the brighter the better :)

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  233. Coloured fairy lights everywhere!!!

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  234. It has to be white

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  235. I’m lazy and don’t add lights as it’s a fibre optic but it goes through many pretty colours :)

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  236. our small tree is fibre optic but the main tree has multi coloured lights

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  237. We have white lights.

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  238. coloured lights here.

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  239. White and red berry lights here.

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  240. Coloured lights on a white tree.

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  241. I put coloured and plain twinkly ones on the tree!

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  242. Has to be coloured!

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  243. I like the coloured ones, and lots of them.

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  244. I like plain white flashing ones :)

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  245. white on the tree & blue in the window

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  246. I have 2 trees, one big (living room) and one small (in hall) and the big one has coloured lights and the litle one has white

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  247. I used to have a fibre optic tree and loved it till my husband fell on it one year :( but then he bought me a black tree with white LEDs on

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  248. coloured on the kids sentimental tree, and white on the main co ordinated one

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  249. Ours are coloured :)

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  250. our lights are coloured :-D xxx

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  251. Has to be twinkly white fairy lights!! :)

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  252. White twinkly ones x

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  253. coloured lights are the best :) x

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  254. We’re gonna have coloured this year I think :)

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  255. White twinkling lights

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  256. white, not sure why just prefer them

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  257. We have a fibre optic tree, so no lights, but it does change colours!

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  258. Coloured lights – as many as will fit on the tree.

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  259. we have all red some years or all white or all red, never coloured,

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  260. White lights that fade in and out

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  261. we can never decide so we have both on our tree

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  263. white ones every time x

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  264. White in the conservatory, multi-coloured on the main tree in the living room!

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  265. blue lights white tree

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  266. I love white and neat and the kids love coloured lights and a messy tree!!

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  267. coloured lights every time :)

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  268. we have coloured lights

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  269. white flashing lights

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  270. 2 sets of lights one of each :)

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  271. Coloured fibre optic

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  272. we’ve got twinkly white ones this year :)

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  274. Mine will be white this year as we’re going for traditional colours of red and gold :)

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  275. Colourful flashing lights! :)

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  276. We have white & blue flashing lights

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  277. I prefer White lights, but I have coloured ones for my children… Blue led lights are the choice for this year! :-)

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  278. coloured lights

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  279. I have coloured lights hanging up in my room but white ones on my tree!

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  280. ours are white twinkly ones

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  281. White for us :-)

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  282. multi coloured

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  283. blue and white flashing :)

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  284. Definitely white

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  285. we have both on our tree

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  286. Mine are all white x

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  287. coloured definately and flashing

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  288. used to have coloured ones which I really loved but they broke and now replaced with white ones as the coloured ones were so much more expensive.

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  289. Both! Love lots of lights!

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  290. White – definitely not blue. What is that all about?

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  291. i have 2 sets on my tree… multicoloured & clear

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  292. Mine are BLUE :D so pretty

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  293. Multicoloured flashing lights

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  294. Coloured flashing ones

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  295. Mine are vibrant blue

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  296. We have a mix of coloured and white lights, the more the better on our tree!

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  297. tiny white lights, the more the merrier!

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  298. We have hand me down flashing blue ones….so bright it looks like all the emergency services have turned up in our lounge!!!

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  299. Always coloured lights :)

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  300. I have a set of both :)

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  301. A mix of colored and white

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  302. we have white but i don’t mind either it wouldn’t be Christmas with out some lights x

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  303. ice blue and white

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  304. Mine are blue and sparkly

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  305. Ours are bright blue and white, look lovely!

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  306. White lights and red twinkling ones

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  307. such bright simple shapes ideal for developing minds

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  308. White for me :)

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  309. I have three sets of white ones which I use all year round but they will be going on the tree this year x

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  310. Our tree is always covered in a mad selection!

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  311. White but we have coloured lights elsewhere!

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  312. Always coloured lights

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  313. Ours are white with different ‘twinkle’ settings

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  314. My Christmas tree lights are white

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  315. Has to be white for me

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  316. White ones on different twinkling settings!

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  317. We have little white snowman shaped ones on the tree and white lights on the swags above the mirror and fireplace,

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  318. I always have coloured lights :)

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  319. White and red on the tree but have lights up all year in my conservatory and garden run by solar power they look so pretty all year around not just at chrimbo

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  320. White lights that twinkle

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  321. I have traditional sparkly flashing white ones that play Christmas music :-)

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  322. White lights for us ;)

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  323. We bought coloured lights last year. Nostalgic.

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  324. mixed colours :)

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  325. I have both and mix them up together on the tree

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  326. Old school coloured with nothing matching.

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  327. I don’t have lights on my tree x

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  328. White, 600 of them on the tree with white, silver and red decorations :)

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  329. One string of white and one multi-coloured.

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  330. White lights for me – but twinkly ones :)

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  331. Mixed colours which flash!!!! The bulbs are starting to go a bit so we will probably have to replace them this year!!!

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  332. I have blue lights that flash on and off in six different patterns but they are so bright I usually have them on fade on and off. x

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  333. Sparkly white ones and coloured static ones. :-)

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  334. ice blue tiny flashers!

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  335. We have blue coloured lights!

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  336. Always white, sometimes flashing

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  337. twinkling coloured ones

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  338. i use coloured lights

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  339. Clear lights as they compliment all the xmas decorations perfectly.

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  340. I love bright ones as they balance out the colourful decorations and brighten the tree right up x

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  341. White lights on both trees. Love Christmas

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  342. multi coloured flashing

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  343. Coloured – the brighter and shinier the better!

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  344. Mixed colours and white lights, no colour theme, colorful decorations all over the tree with lots of mistletoe and holly

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