It’s The Annual ’12 Days of an ELC Christmas’! On the 7th Day… A Big City Garage!

win big city garage

Early Learning Centre’s brilliantly designed Big City garage is packed with fun features. It is a fantastic inspiration for driving, racing and chasing adventures. Your child can wind up the lift in the play garage, then send a car zooming down the ramps. The cool helipad on top of the toy garage even has realistic helicopter sounds. At the bottom of the multi-storey, there are petrol pumps, a car wash and moveable barriers. The Big City Garage also has lots of room to park and store all your child’s die-cast vehicles. Connects with the Big City Carry Along City, and Big City Spiral Race Ramp for even more fun.

Quick facts:
•3-storey Big City Garage with wind-up lift
•Ramps to zoom down
•Fun sounds to enjoy
•Includes petrol pumps, car wash and helipad too

Vehicles available separately.

So how to win the Big City Garage? Well, you have just 24 hours to complete as many of the options below as you like. It’s easy…


See you tomorrow for Day 8!

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. Cheap & cheerful …..

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  2. Cheap Kids ones

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  3. I tend to pick them up in the January sale so get premium ones, they still have the naff jokes in but the gifts are better

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  4. Always get the ones with a paper hat, joke and some gift that always gets left at the table and binned after lunch.

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  5. Cheap and cheerful

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  6. Luxury crackers as the presents are better and the quality of hat is better. The jokes are still awful though!

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  7. Always cheap and cheerful – the hats are never big enough anyway!

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  8. always cheap!

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  9. I indulge and spend more to buy decent crackers with decent prizes and good jokes! I only buy them once a year so that is my excuse to splash out!

    Post a Reply
  10. Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without cheap crackers with plastic toys and rubbish jokes.

    Post a Reply
  11. Cheap ones with the kids

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  12. last year sales one’s

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  13. Homemade crackers then I can tailor to each person!

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  14. We tend to vary it, if we see some ‘posh’ ones on offer we’ll go for that, otherwise cheap, cheerful….and nasty!!

    Post a Reply
  15. This year I have ‘spotted’ some polka dot ‘luxury’ ones that would go perfectly with my polka dot table decor. Normally I am just a value kind of girl!

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  16. Just cheap ones the kids like pulling them so we go through loads!

    Post a Reply
  17. Definitely cheap and cheerful!

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  18. Cheap and cheerful, the kids like the cheesy jokes lol

    Post a Reply
  19. Definitely cheap and cheerful

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  20. Posh ones, but they still have awful jokes in

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  21. Mid range but colour coordinated red gold and green

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  22. Love the ones that have something useful inside !

    Post a Reply
  23. I buy mid range so the gift inside is a bit better but go more off the colour to match my table settings

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  24. cheap and corny

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  25. Love cheap and cheerful. They have the worse jokes! Got to have the cheap paper hats too. No Xmas dinner would be complete without everyone wearing one!!

    Post a Reply
  26. I always make my own so that I can find small gifts suitable for each person- I use a kit so the bang , motto and hat are already there. I love the fun for searching little things like tiny bottles of perfume etc.

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  27. We buy ones the ones that the kids love

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  28. cheap ones for the kids :)

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  29. Posh ones – bought in sale

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  30. We buy ones with useful contents.

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  31. combining play and education

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  32. Cheap and cheerful every time

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  33. I get the kids to make them, the jokes are always aweful

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  34. I love to get Christmas crackers although my husband thinks they are a waste of money. I tend to get mid range ones and we always make sure they are all pulled and the hats are worn and the jokes read. :)

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  35. Cheap, but not too cheap! I tend to go for ones with something in to keep the kids happy – we’ve gone for racing Santa ones this year :)

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  36. My mum buys them! Lol x

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  37. I tend to go for ones with something in to keep the kids happy as long as they’re not too dear – we’ve gone for racing Santa ones this year :)

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  38. Cheap with rubbish jokes

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  39. Cheap and Cheerful

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  40. I’v tried posh but prefer the cheap and cheerful.

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  41. I think i’ve tried them all ove the years, but i only buy cheap ones now, there just as good joke & bang wise.

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  42. Make our own!

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  43. My son would very happily play with this for hours!

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  44. We tend to get whatever is available in the January Sales but generally end up with the cheap ones and the awful gifts.

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  45. I like nice crackers with plenty of good gifts in them

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  46. Made by the children…as surprises for the family :)

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  47. My little boy and his cousin would love this!!

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  48. cheap crackers and terrible jokes

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  49. I get mine in the sale…the surprises inside are always naff, makes for lots of laughter around our table though-the worse the better!

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  50. Funny ones for the rubbish jokes and awful toys!

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  51. Cheap but cheerful all the way!

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  52. I always by mine in the christams sale

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  53. I buy the prettiest ones I can find in the sales – and refill with my own hand-picked gifts the following year. :)

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  54. I buy cheaper ones but put my own little pressies in for each person x

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  55. I normally buy cheap ones, but I might try and make them this year!

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  56. I love the cheap jokes plastic toys and paper hats :)

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  57. Great for my nephew

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  58. Cheap ones, paper hats and awful jokes!

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  59. Normally cheap and tacky but sometimes one of those huge ones too

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  60. Good ones in last year’s sale

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  61. Cheap crackers mostly.

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  62. Our crackers are usually purchased in the post Christmas sales

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  63. Cheap and cheerful lol

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  64. Try and pick up nice ones in January sales but its the fun of pulling the craker and wearing silly hats that count:)

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  65. I spend more on crackers so at least you get a decent ‘prize’ in them :)

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  66. I normally forget crackers and end up rushing out last minute usually end up with naff joke ones but this year im planning on getting them early so hopefully get decent ones

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  67. We have the cheap ones! Yes the hats rip after two seconds and the jokes are awful and the toy is usually something plastic that you can’t make head nor tail of, but its part of Christmas! :-) xxxx

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  68. My son would love this!!!!

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  69. We usually get cheap and cheerful I think it all adds to the experience of Christmas getting your ever so slightly naff pencil and notepad or a whistle with your paper hat!

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  70. Cheap ones all the way & loads of them so that we have plenty left over for boxing day & new year’s day, kids love telling the awful jokes & we all sit with our paper hats on :-)

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  71. We always go to my Mum’s who buys posh crackers usually still filled with pointless tat!

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  72. Cheap ones….it’s the hat that makes them fun

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  73. Cheap, cheerful with corny jokes for us. I have on occassions waited and got racing snails obnes for the kids, but not unless i can get them half price. Home made ones are the best for decent gifts, even the dear ones aren’t exactly thrilling! xx

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  74. Normally cheap ones, but this year I have bought a kit and will be making my own! Have to say that I love rubbish cracker jokes though!

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  75. The cheap ones are the best!

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  76. Any that tickle my fancy however this year we are havin a sweetie theme tree and I foind sweetie crackers I was very xcited! X

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  77. Making our own this year to keep the little ones busy on Christmas Eve :)

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  78. Cheap and cheerful its only a bit of fun and they only get thrown away. if there cheap we buy more as the kids love pulling them!

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  79. I always buy the £5 ones and the toys r ok for the kids

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  80. We always buy novelty looking ones. But never the cheap tacky ones. That been said we are having a very small family Christmas this year so we have one of the huge giant ones. And we will play a tug of war with it lol. X

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  81. we always get the cheap ones

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  82. I usually buy them from the Supermarket – middle of the range. Thanks for the comp x

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  83. Fantastic site with an amazing prize!

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  84. We love the rubbish ones!!

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  85. Cheap crackers with terrible jokes

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  86. Always look for the offers so normally get some good ones!

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  87. I try to go between cheap and nice to try get nicer things inside without braking the bank

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  88. Love cheap crackers and terrible jokes

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  89. As my family are usually all away over Xmas we leave crackers until our family Christmas in January, so we buy whatever is in the sales.

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  90. cheap are the best -more fun !

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  91. We’ve gone for some “posh” Aldi ones this year….still cheap and cheerful but with useful trinkets in them.

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  92. Rubbish jokes have become part of our family tradition now lol. Going to buy one of the giant crackers for the kids to pull this year just wait til they see it he he.

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  93. i usually buy the better quality ones in the january sales.

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  94. Cheap – buy in the January sales so can get slightly better ones than if I bought in December.

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  95. I usually try and get some expensive looking crackers in the sale last minute. Awful jokes are part of Christmas Day tradition.

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  96. Cheapy ones! But I always stuff them with extras ;) something personalised for each person, makes it more exciting x

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  97. Cheap and cheerful here, the ones where you’ve done well if yours has a toy, joke and hat!

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  98. The cheaper the better!!!! We love the rubbish treats and terrible jokes!!!!!!

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  99. We usually buy a small box of nice ones for christmas day and a box of cheap ones just because our kids love pulling crackers.

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  100. Cheap and cheerful

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  101. The cheap ones. The rubbishness of the contents is part of the fun!

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  102. My kids would play with this for hours at a time.

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  103. Somewhere in the middle,enough quality to make the toys/gifts usable but still cheesy fun x

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  104. We buy one with the cheap plastic toys them x

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  105. We buy the cheap and cheerful – so much more fun!

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  106. Cheap and cheerful all the way!

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  107. A mixture, if I can I get a decent box in the sale but generally wouldn’t spend too much on them.

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  108. I normally buy the expensive ones after Christmas for next year, lol!

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  109. Cheap ones. Have bought expensive but never worth it

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  110. cheap and cheerful for us as they are just for fun :)

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  111. we get 2 sets posh ones for the dinner table Christmas day then a second cheap set for new years day meal. best of both then :D

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  112. Cheap and cheerful.

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  113. When its just the two of us we don’t bother with crackers, if its a family gathering cheap and cheerful of course! Its part of the fun!

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  114. cheap ones usually, the expensive ones are rarely worth the extra money

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  115. Gotta be cheqp ones xxx

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  116. The cheaper the better!! They usually have the biggest bangs too!!

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  117. Cheap ones with the paper hats. They’re a classic.

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  118. used to buy expensive till I found the light xx cheap and funny

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  119. cheaper the better for a good laugh at the tat inside

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  120. Nice & Cheap for me but my wife always busy the dear ones!!

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  121. The posh ones the rare time we buy them

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  122. i love the ones with the proper gadgets like nail clippers etc so medium range . Have got cheap ones and didnt think much of them

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  123. Cheap ones are just as good :) aslong as it bangs and has a paper hat :)

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  124. We like posh ones

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  125. we like cheap ones so we can laugh at the rubbish jokes

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  126. Cheap fun ones are fine for us, we like the bang best and the hats heehee

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  127. we go through mounds and mounds of cheapy ones, my 3 year old seems to pull a cracker at every opportunity – not interested in the prizes but just loves the bang! plus the dog goes absolutely nuts when we wear the hats for some unknown reason x

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  128. I usually go for mid range, this year we are going to make our own (or at least try)

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  129. Somewhere in the middle, but I tend to choose ones that will co-ordinate with the table and colours rather than for the contents!

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  130. tends to be the better gifts in the cheaper ones, we always look at what we might get and compare boxes

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  131. I usually just buy a box that contain toys that the kids will enjoy

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  132. We get the big jumbo one with lots of things inside

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  133. Posh crackers on sale is always my plan!

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  134. Cheap ones the kids love em.

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  135. I go for kids ones, that way they are entertained too

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  136. I get fun ones, something that my little boy might be more interested in :) xx

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  137. Cheap ones, nobody seems to care,we all love the terrible jokes

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  138. Medium ones from BHS

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  139. Cheap and cheerful, but they have to be colour co-ordinated with the table setting :-)

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  140. I like to get posh ones, sometimes the gifts inside them are really good!

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  141. Posh ones – the jokes are just as bad, but the prizes are usually worth keeping!!

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  142. I tend to buy middle of the range crackers, because I’ve found the cheap ones tend not to bang or break properly when they’re pulled! But, I always make sure they co-ordinate with my table colours!

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  143. usually the cheap ones, love to groan at the jokes

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  144. cheapies for us – bad jokes in crackers are a Christmas tradition! :)

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  145. You can not beat cheap crackers.

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  146. Cheap and cheerful for us!

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  147. We get the not as cheap ones from marks and Spencer’s. You still get the silly jokes but the toys inside you get are better

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  148. last year we spoilt ourselves an got racing reindeer ones

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  149. Cheap. The surprises usually end up lost, whatever the price of the crackers

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  150. We don’t buy crackers! But the MIL has cheap and cheerful ones for us to enjoy, and my Dad enjoys a posh cracker :-)

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  151. Cheap ones, just as enjoyable

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  152. I look for ones with decent toys for the kids

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  153. love the cheap ones xx

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  154. Always try to get nice ones that are reduced in the sale. Think we have debenhams this year. X

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  155. Just the cheap ones

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  156. cheap ones, lets be honest why spend the money when all the gifts inside end up in the bin! lol

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  157. We don’t have any crackers, I used to sneak the treat out of the middle and put the cracker back when i was younger.

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  158. I usually go for the posh crackers but am always disappointed… they are worth the pirce usually

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  159. Posh for Christmas Day – cheap the other days.

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  160. The cheap ones in my house:-)

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  161. Cheap and Cheerful with the silly jokes and the toys that last 5 minutes with the kids

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  162. normally the posh ones x

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  163. We are making our own christmas crackers this year with little individual presents for each person

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  164. The worse the jokes the better – it’s traditional.

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  165. Posh crackers which are cheap because I buy them in the January sales.

    Thanks for the great competition x

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  166. Cheaper the better! It’s all about the flimsy Xmas hat to wear eating Xmas dinner “where’s the sellotape?” lol.

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  167. We are tight and don’t even do crackers! My excuse is there is far too much packaging that goes in the landfill and is bad for the environment!

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  168. I buy posh ones but also like to make our own with the kids x

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  169. Its always the cheap ones.

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  170. We go somewhere in the middle.. not mega cheap, but not uber expensive either. Still embrace the crappy jokes though!

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  171. We usually have the cheap ones but we have made our own in the past.

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  172. Cheap for us most of the time, sometimes midrange :)

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  173. I buy medium priced fancy looking crackers. Then throughout the year I collect little items such as Lego minifigs, hair accessories, bracelets, rings, finger puppets, formthe children small cosmetics like lipsticks blusher, nail varnish, miniatures of perfumes and aftershaves and anything else that catches my eye that could fit into a cracker. I also buy some chocolates that are individually wrapped with these on hand I open up the cracker at one end and drop the extra items in along with a lottery ticket each for the christmas draw close it up again and look forward to us pulling them & all the bartering for swaps that goes on during christmas day!

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  174. cheap ones for me, I love to groan at the rubbish jokes

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  175. Medium priced crackers for me,we have had the same crackers on the tree for the last 3 years,everyone keeps forgetting to pull them,it’s my turn for the family get together this year so i think they will all get used up this year.

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  176. We always buy the cheap ones!

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  177. Cheap and cheerful for us! Can’t beat a silly joke and a fab christmas hat :D

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  178. Last year we got some really cool kids ones from John Lewis. They came with a wind up penguin in each cracker and a fold out race track. Then we got to have little races. Everyone liked them! x

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  179. We’ve never had crackers but this year I’m gonna get some cheap ones! We’ve never had a dining table, and now we have! The one year I remember my dad bought expensive ones, and it was still the same junk in lol.

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  180. cheap ones as the kids take all the prizes anyway!!

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  182. cheap ones the fun is in trying to work out what you have in your cracker!

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  183. I dont like the ones that are tooo cheap would never spend a small fortune on them! and we always need tonnes as my hubby is a big kid!

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  184. Both! I normally buy the cheap ones, and my mum the posh ones :-)

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  185. We go for middle-of-the-road. Wouldn’t waste too much money on them.

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  186. We’ve got a box of some nice crackers which come down from the loft each Xmas and go back up in January, we just never remember to use them

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  187. I buy crackers in the sales after christmas, ready for next year.

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  188. Cheap ones, as kids love going through the whole box at once

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  189. I get 1s the kids make themselves

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  190. Not cheap, not expensive but somewhere in between!

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  191. Posh ones – but I like to buy them in the sale in January. Lol

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  192. I get mid-range ones too, really cheap ones don’t snap as well!

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  193. cheap ones as jokes generally make us giggle and not cause there funny

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  194. I buy the cheaper ones but my mum gets the posh ones from the January sales! :)

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  195. We do like to splash out a bit on a posh Christmas Cracker.

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  196. We go for the posh ones.x

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  197. Not too expensive but its nice to see a lovely gift fall out your cracker and a Xmas party hat that dosen’t rip!

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  198. posh ones for special christmas eve dinner and silly ones for fun christmas day!

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  199. Middle of the range for us! Love the rubbish jokes!

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  200. Because crackers didn’t have the right amount in a pack for our family my mum came up with an idea of bags instead of crackers a few years ago. Each family member takes it in turn to do them, putting whatever we want in them. Mum made the bags from red felt and embroidered our initials on them, and it’s a highlight of Christmas day every year.

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  201. I try to get the best ones. Depends how much they are really.

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  202. Mid-range ones, but I get them cheap by buying in the new years sale

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  203. Posh on xmas day, then cheap and cheerful on boxing day

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  204. I buy whatever is on offer!

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  205. Cheap and cheerful here

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  206. I get whatever ones is on offer lol :) has to be done

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  207. Cheap and terrible here!

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  208. It varies from year to year depending on budget and if I see any that I really love!

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  209. I usually just get kids ones but I’m tempted to make my own this year!

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  210. i buy some posh one for christmas day and cheap ones as well for boxing day etc

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  211. We buy our christmas crackers from Bhs (the ones with instant prizes)Its turned into a family tradition after my father in law won a £5 gift voucher the first year we bought them :D

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  212. Cheap ones with fun bits and bobs for the kids

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  213. Cheap crackers with terrible jokes

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  214. Slightly posh – I want something decent out of it!!

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  215. Terrible ones but I still like those red curling fish!

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  216. We get mid priced ones, so they are still half decent but definitely not Harrods ones! :-)

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  217. I always buy cheap and cheerful but one day I would love a set of Fortnum and Mason crackers!

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  218. Loads of cheap & cheerful but would like to treat myself one year to some really posh ones.

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  219. we make our own :)

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  220. We buy some on Eid sometimes, but we usually just get the cheap ones because it’s more about the fun than what’s in them. :)

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  221. posh ones

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  222. Expensive ones for us which I buy half price or less in the January sales!

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  224. A mixture of both – posh for the table and cheap for the tree

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  225. I like middle of the road ones price wise , the luxury ones are a bit dull tbh!

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  226. Oh cheap and cheerful for me!

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  227. Got to be cheap and cheerful with the standard rubbish jokes!

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  228. Depends what’s on sale in January, as long as it’s got a paper crown and a daft joke.

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  229. We buy cheapy ones, they are much more fun.

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  230. Cheap and cheerful!

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  231. Have to say we do get the cheap ones :(

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  232. we use a bit of both posh ones for the adults cheap ones for the kids

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  233. cheap crackers bad jokes are part of christmas

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  234. Mid range ones when they are on sale

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  235. Cheap is best, The toys in crackers are rubbish anyway! We just like the noise of cracking them haha x

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  236. Mid range – cheesey jokes and slightly better than just plastic gifts!

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  237. cheap and cheerful

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  238. Would love to win for my nephew :o)

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  239. We buy kid’s ones, you know whoopee cushions and other kid’s stuff inside, they love it :)

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  240. cheap and cheerful – the expensive ones are a totalrip off!!!

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  241. We are not fans of Christmas crackers…..:-)

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  242. Somewhere in between the cheap ones and the rip off ones!

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  243. I susually forget & end up with whatever the shop has left! Got some brilliant ones from Homebase one year just before they closed that were reduced to about 10% of the original price & they had brilliant gifts inside& quality hats.

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  244. I’ve spoilt ourselves this year and have bought 30 Halloween reduced crackers for 10p!! They also have better contents than the mid range Christmas crackers!

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  245. posh ones

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  246. We buy them at the New Year Sales ready for next year and I can usually find them!

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  247. Differs from year to year but usually I like ones with useable gifts inside

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  248. We always stick to the fun crackers with jokes and little cards and whistles etc lol :-) xx

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  249. Cheap with silly jokes

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  250. posh ones, like to spoil ourselves lol

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  251. usually we buy our crackers in the January sale and just keep it till next Christmas :)

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  252. Cheap ones with silly jokes :)

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  253. Cheap ones are best :)

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  254. I buy mine in the January sales so can get posh crackers at cheap one prices!

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  255. It depends, but this year we’ve gone for deluxe crackers! :-)

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  256. Posh ones for the adults & themed ones for the children (normally bought when they’re reduced….. :) )

    Post a Reply
  257. We have never bought crackers but when we do I’d prefer the posh ones if we can afford it.

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  258. we buy cheap and cheerful ones

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  259. Cheap and Cheerful for us!

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  260. Cheap and cheerful. Silly jokes and hats!

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  261. Used to be the cheap ones but now my MIL get the mid-priced range in the sales after christmas to use the following Christmas.

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  262. Posh ones :)

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  263. Don’t buy crackers as my mum hates the bang

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  264. just the cheap ones

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  265. We just get the cheap ones. The ones where the snap doesn’t go off so you end up pulling it again!

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  266. We just buy crackers for our kids the little special kids ones

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  267. This is top of my grandsons wish list hope I’m lucky

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  268. We like making our own :)

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  269. Make our own and put small personalised presents inside!

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  270. Cheap ones unless the posh ones are on sale!!

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  271. middle of the road for us ! not too cheap and defo not expensive !

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  272. Love expensive ones but I always wait until they are reduced

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  273. We get small ones that we can put on the tree- they’re the perfect size for the little ones. They love if they’re character themed as well! :D

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  274. cheap and cheerful dont see the point in buying really costly ones i like the gifts in the cheap ones there funny and the jokes. :)

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  275. I love the cheap ones with the terrible jokes and teeny tiny screwdriver sets that you’ll never use!! lol

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  276. I buy a box of 12 for about a fiver, then open one end and put a Lottery Scratchcard in each one. Then I retie the end.

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  277. We love the cheap ones in our house paper hats that are too big, an fun little plastic toys brilliant

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  278. we buy cheap, even the dear ones have pretty useless gifts in, we only get them for the fun of them so don’t mind cheesy jokes and paper hats, (that’s what christmas is all about x)

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  279. Cheap ones every time

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  280. I have cheap and cheeful crackers

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  281. Cheap and cheerful crackers for me, usually pick them up in the sale and save them for following Xmas

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  282. Cheap & cheerful

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  283. We had harrods ones last year thst my hubby bought from a charity auction….they were so posh!!! :))

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  284. It’s all about the silly hat and the stupid jokes for me, cheap crackers are just as fun.

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  285. It varies on how I feel year to year. Probably just fun ones this year.

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  286. Cheap and Cheerful and lots of fun crackers for us.

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  287. Mid range probably, lots of hats, jokes and little puzzles and things to make and play with at the table. Keep the fun going.

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  288. I love the luxury crackers for the adults and the cheap and cheerful ones for the children – that way everyone is happy

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  289. Cheap & cheerful all the way…. its all about the paper hats and plastic tat you get in the crackers.

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  290. The cheap and cheerful ones are best because the horrible jokes and cheap prizes cause the most fun.

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  291. cheap and cheerful. I love the paper hats

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  292. we get the “middle class” ones maicure sets and shoe horns!

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  293. cheap and cheerfull you need a paper hat a rubbishly funny joke and a small plastic frog that hops when you press it and always lands on someones dinner or some other cheap toy that will highly amuse big kids like myself and the little ones too lol

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  294. I actually make all my own crackers each year

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  295. Cheap and cheerful here! Prize for the most rubbish joke lol

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  296. I but to nice one’s for grown ups and fun cheap one for kids xx

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  297. the brightly coloured character ones, kids love them

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  298. Homemade crackers with cute gifts and funny jokes

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  299. Depends how many of us there are! A big family christmas means cheap and cheerful. A cosy christmas for two means luxury all the way! :)

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  300. I like the quality crackers or failing that I buy the kits and make my own

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  301. i tend to buy cheap crackers but would love to be able to afford harrods ones lol they are amazing

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  302. Cheap and cheerful in our house too unless we can buy the posh ones in the sale!!

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  303. i buy nice crackers with decent prizes so everyone can have a keepsake of xmas day x

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  304. am thinking this year of making my own – that way I know that the jokes are funny, and I can tailor the prizes to the people x

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  305. The cheap and cheerful ones

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  306. cheap and cheerful …kids love them

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  307. we used to buy expensive ones but now just the cheapest!

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  308. the cheap and cheerful ones that dont even break when you pull them! always worth a laugh

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  309. Got to be the luxury ones the cheap ones are not very good anymore

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  310. I buy the posh ones in the January sales then spend ages looking for them for Christmas lol :)

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  311. I think crackers are becoming less popular every year, i don’t usually bother but if i do then it’s cheap ones, with everything else to pay for at christmas crackers just don’t seem worth the money,

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  312. cheap crackers and terrible jokes!

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  313. I always buy luxury if I am hosting – and then wonder why when we pull them and there is really no such thing as a ‘luxury’ cracker! There are some good ones with games in now though…

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  314. Cheap & cheerful, the “gifts” end up in the bin or a drawer no matter which kind of crackers you get & the hats are still paper. X

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  315. We keep forgetting to get them out. #xmas fail

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  316. I don’t buy them….we have dinner my mum and she buys boxes and boxes of them lol x

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  317. i just get what we can afford at the time to be honest

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  318. We make our own by buying little goodies from the supermarket and each writing a joke on a small piece of paper. We then use the cardboard centre from toilet rolls as the body of the cracker and wrap them in crepe paper and use pipe cleaners to secure the ends :)

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  319. I just usually get what ever is on offer, sometimes that is the posher ones if I’m lucky x

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  320. I make my Christmas crackers and personalise them with relevant goodies! Started this last year and was a big hit with all young and old!

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  321. I love homemade crackers. I put lottery tickets and a wee treat in the adult crackers, sweets and a wee treat in the Grandchildrens ones :D

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  322. Have to say I like the posh ones but I buy them in the January sale the year after…it may sound tight but its what I do with all xmas related things now :)

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  323. cheap ish, i usually look at the contents on the back and see which is the best

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  324. We go for cheap crackers with naff presents and cheesy jokes! Nothing says Xmas better than sitting round the table together, wearing tatty paper crowns and groaning at cracker jokes :)

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  325. The cheap ones. The cheesier the joke the better!

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  326. The cheapies for us. It all ends up in the bin, even when we’ve had the better ones.

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  327. We use a mix of both usually as the patterns had to match lol!

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  328. I love the Luxury Crackers, as most of the items can be used :)

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  329. Got luxury one this year – but I did buy them in January!

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  330. the rubbisher the toy & joke the better I say :)

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  331. we tend to buy the cheap ones because I find them more fun :) xx

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  332. The cheap ones, they remind me of Christmas as a child.

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  333. Mid range kids ones for us

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  334. I buy cheap and cheerful ones to put on the tree and posh (ish) ones to pull during Christmas dinner :)

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  335. i normally buy cheap ones and add extra gifts to them to personalise them x

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  336. The last few years I’ve made my own!

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  337. i buy cheap ones you get the same crap in them anyway haha

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  338. We have cheap ones and still look funny and have a laugh

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  339. i have posh ones for Christmas Day, usually ones that have a Christmas Decoration on the front and a couple of boxes of the cheap ones for on the tree and so the children can have more than one.

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  340. Last year at my future in-laws they had cheap and cheerful. We normally buy pretty ones which are expensive for a more ‘useful’ prize.

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  341. bah humbug don’t buy them they only go into landfill.

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  342. I always buy expensive ones , better value overall.

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  343. I like to be in the middle, so not overly posh they dont seem christmasy, but still good prizes :)

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  344. i go for character ones that the kids will like

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  345. have to say its the cheap crackers from the pound shop lol

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  346. posh ones all the way

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  347. I like middle of the road ones – things that the kids will like in but look posh!

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  348. Cheap ones, its all i can afford :)

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  349. Cheap ones!!

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  350. cheap and cheerful with naff jokes they are always the best!

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  351. I go for cheap ones from the pound shop as even the expensive ones aren’t worth the money!

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  352. i buy cheap ones and take bow of and add little bits like samples etc in them :)!

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  353. Cheap and cheerful with terrible jokes that we all laugh and groan at are the tradition in our household and I wouldn’t swap them for ‘posh’ ones.

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  354. I buy posh ones, much better quality ,

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  355. Nice ones for Christmas dinner then cheap ones for the kids to get carried away with.

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  356. i usually get nice ones but not at home this year x

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  357. We buy entertainment crackers either Racing brussel sprouts or ones with whistles and music sheets in to play over dinner

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  358. I buy the posh ones when they are in the sale just after Christmas ready for next year!

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  359. The cheap one as the jokes & gift are always so silly that you have to laugh even if your scrooge LOL

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  360. I make my own, you can buy kits on ebay and fill them myself.

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  361. Love the cheap and cheerful – lots more fun and giggles!

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  362. snowman & snowdog this year

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  363. usually buy them in the january sales so we get expensive crackers for a bargain price ! :)

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  364. Cheap ones – they’re a one minute wonder so I don’t see the point in spending a fortune!

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  365. you get what you pay for so i go for the dear ones

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  366. We usually go for mid-price crackers

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  367. Depends on the items inside because of the kids.

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  368. I buy cheap and cheerful ones. It leaves more money to spend on other things

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  369. I buy whatevers in the sales then stash them for a year!!!

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  370. Don’t have them!

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  371. My grandson would soooo love this, Thank You, x

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  372. My grandma always buys the Christmas crackers, and gets the posh ones!

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  373. Cheap ones or if I have time hand made ones

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  374. cheap crackers, my kids don’t care whats in them they just like pulling them :)

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  375. We make our own, and buy little special presents to put inside them.

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  376. Mid range ones that are reduced from the year before!

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  377. I make my own out of toilet roll tubes! X

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  378. Cheap and Cheerful

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  379. This is the first year our kids will really be interested in pulling crackers so we have bought a huge box of cheap ones so that they can pull loads, can’t wait :)

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  380. Cheap ones with terrible jokes

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  381. Cheap and cheerful all the way!

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  382. great giveaway xx

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  383. Cheap and cheerful for us, but you can guarantee they entertain the kids for weeks!!

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  384. I tend to go for something in the middle – not the cheapest ones but don’t like to pay too much – usually wait until some are on offer at half price and then snap them up.

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  385. I usually hang back until Christmas Eve then pick up a box of posh ones for half price!

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  386. posh ones with proper presents inside

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  387. Not cheap but not the most expensive either.

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  388. Cheap as the contents just end up sitting in a drawer no matter what price

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  389. Cheap and cheerful does the job

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  390. Posh ones are lovely for the adults – but I love making my own and personalising the little gifts that go inside :)

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  391. cheap ones , i remember the first christmas dinner i hosted , i spent a fortune on luxury crackers , no one was terribly impressed and i found all the little prizes over the floor :( cheap all the way now x

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  392. My mums personalised ones last year were the best ever – my kids loved them! Usually I go for cheap and cheerful though!!

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  393. We love cheap and cheery!

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  394. cheap ones – after having a glass of wine all jokes are funny

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  395. I make my own crackers & buy special gifts to go inside depending on who it is for.

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  396. Cheap ones.. we love the cracker tat and the rubbish jokes (which I personally find funny!)

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  397. As there’s lots of children, I buy the children’s crackers with fun games and rubbish jokes, they’re all fun though.

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  398. Cheap ones with terrible jokes! :-)

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  399. Middle of the road!

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  400. Cheap ‘n’ cheerful!

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  401. Colour co-ordinated

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  402. Usually i pick a character cracker (eg Disney)

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  403. We buy those kits where you make them yourself so we can personalise them with a present for each person.

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  404. I love the cheap and cheesy ones. I think posh ones are boring. The kids love the tat you get in the cheap ones and the rubbish jokes give us all a giggle and it wouldn’t be right if the hats didn’t rip when you put them on your head (but you still wear them anyway of course)x

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  405. We make our own

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  406. cheap and cheerful unless its just me & hubby then its homemade.

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  407. Cheap ones are best

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  408. We are making ours! 30 done, 20 or so to go. :)

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  409. Got to live the cheap ones with the plastic combs and jumping frogs x

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  410. I’m buying some that appeal to kids – just supermarket ones though lol

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  411. cheap ones all the way, got to love the naff jokes and gifts!

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  412. The cheap ones unless someone who’s coming to dinner has different ideas and brings their own ;)

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  413. we have some nice ones for Christmas and some cheap funny ones for new year!

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  414. Cheap and cheerful for us!

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  415. the best of the cheap ones

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  416. My children and I make our own crackers and put are own jokes in ,we put sweets in yhem and we make are own hats to go in them as well

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  417. The children are making homemade crackers with little personalized gifts inside for our visiting relatives. I do love the cheap crackers though, cannot beat the dreadful joke & a plastic comb can you?

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  418. Cheap and cheerful for us! keep the family happy:D

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  419. Have bought posh ones with peacock feathers this year…..ooooooo

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  420. my little boy is happy with any so will go for the cheaper ones i think

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  421. We have the more expensive ones, Some of the little gifts my children still use!!!

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  422. I buy pretty, but cheap ones, because the fun is in pulling the cracker, reading the silly joke and wearing the hat! This year I’m thinking of making my own, with some help from the children. We’ll see if I find the time.

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  423. I buy a couple of packets of cheap ones for the kids and get a nice packet for christmas lunch

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  424. I like the ones where you have the chance of winning a big prize x

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  425. We have both posh one’s for the adults and tacky ones for the children. As we only have 2 children they get to pull 6 crackers each, they love it.

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  426. my mum buys us some posh ones, but I usually get the sherry glasses and fill those with party poppers, hats, jokes and a little gift x

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  427. cheap ones are the best especially the moustaches ;)

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  428. Cheap ones all the way

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  429. I like both, but you can’t beat the cheap ones with the jumping frogs, and plastic rings.

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  430. Cheap and cheerful with terrible jokes and useless prizes!

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  431. I just buy cheap ones!

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  432. i go for middle of the range look for ones with good gifts but not costing too much

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  433. I love the cheap ones with the tacky gifts and bad jokes.

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  434. I usually go cheap, but I have seen some nail varnish ones and monopoly ones which look great

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  435. i always buy the cheap crackers

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  436. Posh crackers everytime. I hate the cheap ones!

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  437. I dont see the point in buying expensive ones – they have to look nice on the tree though!

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  438. Cheap ones for my family

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  439. i love the cheap ones! jokes the kids find hilarious and the little toys they love more than the very expensive presents you bought them! haha

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  440. I like both but you can’t beat the cheesy jokes in the cheap ones

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  441. I like cheap and cheerful!

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  442. Unless you pay loads the stuff inside is similar so just buy the cheap ones!

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  443. Both,expensive ones for christmas lunch and cheap ones for boxing day and christmas eve.

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  444. cheap ones – the expensive ones still have the same rubbish jokes!

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  445. Posh all the way here :-)

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  446. We always buy quite nice crackers and INSIST everyone wear their hat!

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  447. Cheap ones all the way lol xx

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  448. I usually look at the contents before deciding but spend alot x

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  449. Cheap ones are the best!

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  450. Meant I dont spend alot x

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  451. Home made ones

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  452. I buy cheap one, cheap or expensive you only get one bang

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  453. I love the home made crackers, loads of fun to make and look good on the table

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  454. i like more expensive ones but we buy after xmas and store in cupboard for a year lol so £20 crackers for a few quid is great

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  455. cheap ones here tho I try and buy them in the Jan sales

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  456. Cheap and cheerful for us the kids are still young theres no fun for them in expensive crackers x

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  457. I love all kinds of crackers! My favourites are the little character ones that you put onto the tree (:

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  458. Cheap and cheerful, nothing better than corny jokes

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  459. We love the cheap ones with the plastic rubbish of years ago, the best ones are the ones with the fortune telling fish and the locked links puzzles to solve

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  460. I go fro either real luxury and cheap as chips.Depends how I feel

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  461. We go mid price,we tend to forget about pulling the cracker as the dog get scared so we still have the same crackers as 3 yrs ago,

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  462. We normally get semi posh ones but I’m not sure why! All the same kind of thing – think I might get some cheap and cheerful ones this year.

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  463. Handmade ones. They are more personal

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  464. I usually manage to buy some expensive ones that have been marked right down just before Christmas!

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