Tips and Advice for Mums on the School Run – Brought To You By ASDA
The school run isn’t easy, especially if you’re not prepared for it and you have more than one child to worry about. The more organised you are, the better the process will be and, if you’re lucky, you may even get to snooze your alarm clock until as late as possible. While you may dream of being like that mother in the playground who makes her daughter’s hair look like a stylist has been at it every morning, in reality, what’s more important? Sure, said little girl will have a gorgeous hairdo for her day at school, but for that to happen you’d have to be up at 6am in the morning, which can’t be good for anyone.
Here are some great tips for mums (and dads) that will help you survive the school run and make the whole process a lot less stressful, from the moment you wake up to the moment you step back through your front door:
Get everything ready the night before
Don’t start your morning by rushing around your house trying to find your lad’s school trousers, or your daughter’s pinafore. Make a pile of uniform in their room so that they know exactly where it is in the morning.
When buying their uniforms, choose items that can be tumble dried or are crease-resistant, such as George’s school trousers, so that you don’t have to worry about finding the time to iron them either.
Prepare packed lunches, PE kits and book bags the night before too, so that everything is ready to go.
Put things in their place the day before
As soon as they come back through the door after school has ended, encourage them to get into good habits, such as putting their shoes back where they belong and hanging their coat up rather than leaving it sprawled on the floor. That way, everything is in its place for the following morning and you won’t have to search the house for a stray shoe.
If you want to be extra organised, put things in the car the night before – book bags, PE kits etc. Fill in any paperwork and permission slips the day before too, so that you don’t forget to do it.
Keep a hairbrush downstairs
There’s nothing worse than running up and down the stairs to grab the hairbrush, clips and hairbands as you battle with your kids to sort out their hair. Keep a hairbrush downstairs, and you won’t have to worry about it. If you have a downstairs loo, pop a toothbrush and some toothpaste by the sink in there too.
If you’re not one for small talk, and you need as long as possible in the morning, timings are everything. Time it so that you don’t have to stand around in the playground before the doors open – that’s valuable lie-in time! Plus, the more chilled out and stress-free you are, the better the whole process will be.
The school run shouldn’t be a battle. Take everything in your stride and don’t strive for perfection – as long as your children are looking neat, have clean teeth and have everything they need, you’ve done your job right!