Win a £65 bundle of preschool activity books #BackToSchoolBooks

We’re really excited to be working again with Collins on a brilliant Back To School competition event for you. As any parent knows, September’s a sad/glad month. Summer’s over, school starts… and life inevitably takes on it’s winter humdrum routine.

But tinged with the massive mix of HappySad, there’s a lot of upheaval and organisation to work out – you seem to especially need to sort out a lot of uniforms & equipment if your child is starting school/switching school. The more children you have, the more expensive and complicated things get…  And spending out on learning resources for home understandably gets lower and lower on the list. And yet, there WILL come a time during the school year that you’ll think “I could really do with a… on the bookshelf right now”. No matter what age your child is.

Collins Parents pages is totally worth a visit for any parent – they offer not only practical tips, but also what to expect at each stage of your child’s education and a boat load of useful resources. There’s also an online 25% discount for parents on all Back to School books, as well as information on the new curriculum and what it means for you.

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So we teamed up with those exact achingly brilliant people at Collins4Parents to come up with a range of prizes for everyone – from activity books for the pre-schoolers all the way through school years until Day 7 when we reach a sincerely awesome £160 A level prize bundle. And it’s not just the books – Collins are throwing in a little joy-filled special ingredient to each prize bundle.

So here’s how it’s going to work. Firstly, you’re going to stay focussed, people. This moves FAST. We’re going launch a new competition every day this week, right on the dot of midnight. That competition will run for just 24hours. Yep – one day only.
At midnight it closes – BANG. Just like that. Door slams. No more room. But fret not, because where one door closes… a shiny new competition door opens. And so we go again – another 24hrs to enter the next competition. Every day for a week.

I know!


For day one on #BackToSchoolBooks, we starting with the smallest among us – and we have a totally brilliant £60 bundle of pre-school activity books for 3-5yr olds. This is such an essential arsenal to have on your shelf – we’re talking counting, shapes, colours, writing, phonics, a first dictionary, a first atlas… so many books. And all written with your pre-schooler in mind, all so much fun that the learning is almost accidental to the fun you have when you’re working through the fun stuff. Just as it should be.

And on top of the book bundle, Collins are throwing in a pack of fabulous Djeco felt brushes (Each pen is double-ended; one end is soft and almost brush-like allowing for great colouring in. The other end is thinner and harder and better for line drawing).

How to enter? Why just use the magickery below! First three options are compulsory, then there’s the usual extras for showing some love on the interwebs if you feel so inclined.

The closing date for this competition is, of course, midnight tonight the 31st August 2015; only entries received on or before that date and time can be included. The winner will be the first randomly chosen entry. Good luck!

Win a £65 Pre-School bundle of books

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. Looks fantastic. My daughter will soon be 3 and loves to do ‘work’ like her big brother. She’d love this set.

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  2. SCHOOL25

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