Well, half of it has, anyway! Whilst Katy held down the fort, I swanned off to France for a couple of weeks with the family, thanks to the lovely people at Keycamp.
We had a fabulous holiday (with a slight hiccup at the start) – but we had a lot of other companies wanting to join in with their own useful products for family holidays. We had offers for everything from Satnav to Suncream – so I agreed to review anything I felt might be useful whilst travelling across France in a car with four children.
The one review has now turned into a whole series, as we look at an assortment of items that made life a little easier (or not) When LittleStuff Went To France…
So over the coming week or two I’ll slowly work my way through the list, letting you know exactly what we thought of it all and where you can get your own grubby mitts on some for yourself.
And this is Team LittleStuff – in who’s capable hands the products have been left to be used and abused in: