Win A complete set of Letts ‘GCSE In A Week’ Cramming Guides | #Revision

So yesterday we featured the amazing bundle for GCSE students – but if you’ve got a 16yr old who’s taking their exams in just a few weeks time, then the time may be gone for starting from scratch in the big coursework guides.
What they’re probably looking for right now is the best way  to start cramming… and lookety look what Letts have offered you today:

Yes – that’s Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. And each book contains all of the essential topics broken down into an effective revision guide. They cover everything you need to learn for the exam in a 7-day plan that includes GCSE-style exam questions and easy-to-follow topic discussions.

• all the essential topics, broken down into a manageable 7-day programme
• concise explanations that ensure each topic can easily be covered in no more than 30 minutes
• summary boxes that provide a final recap of the key points
• quick test questions to check recall and understanding
• GCSE-style questions for exam preparation

I know – completely awesome, right? A guide to the entire subject that’s worrying you, step-by-step in just one week. Such a brilliant way to make the last-ditch cramming properly effective and useful.


So how to enter to win that bundle of 5 essential books for your GCSE-panicked teen? Why just use the magickery below! First question is compulsory, then there’s the usual extras for showing some love on the interwebs if you feel so inclined.

The closing date for this competition is, of course, midnight tonight the 7th April 2016; only entries received on or before that date and time can be included. The winner will be the first randomly chosen entry. Good luck!


Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. Thanks for the chance to win this my son is due to start his exams very soon so would be very helpful thanks

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  2. dont over revise, eat and drink plenty :)

    Post a Reply
  3. This would be nice if I won this due to exams starting very very soon!

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  4. Breath in squares

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  5. Don’t put pressure on yourself, answer all the questions you know and go back to the harder ones later .x these would be ideal, I’ve got twins going through this :)

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  6. don’t panic, take breaks and drink plenty of cups of tea!

    Post a Reply
  7. Stay in a quiet room.
    Repeat key points that you need to learn.

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  8. Take a “me day” – the stress can make you panic in a GCSE situation so rather than revise like crazy and have that happen. Have a day off from revision now and then!

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  9. Eat a Mars Bar

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  10. Make a revision timetable to help organise your time.

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