Win A £70 Collins Complete School Kit In Day 3 of #BackToSchoolBooks

If you’ve not made friends with it yet, then you need to go and introduce yourself to the Collins4Parents website. It’s not only jam-packed with excellent books for every stage of your child’s learning, but they also offer a boat load of useful resources and practical guides to help both you and your resident student.

Right now there’s also an online 30% discount for parents on all Back to School books, so now’s a good time to stock up. Just use the code BTS2016!

It’s Day THREE of #BackToSchoolBooks fortnight – and today we’re all about the school stuff. This is a brilliantly useful set for all school-aged children, whatever their current year.
Because who doesn’t need a decent dictionary on their shelf? And this one’s such a classic – I had a Collins school dictionary to hand when I started high school *cough* years ago! It’s perfect for all students over the age of 11 – and this edition been developed with teachers to be the perfect school dictionary for in class and for homework.

The clear layout makes finding entries exceptionally easy, and full definitions are given in simple language, often in complete sentences. With over 20,000 entries, many new or updated, it includes the school national curriculum vocabulary up to Key Stage 3 and GCSE as well as general vocabulary for students aged 11.

There’s also a special section on spelling, which outlines key spelling rules, and lists words that are commonly confused or misspelled. Handy, right?

Paired with a Thesaurus (which is an odd old book, isn’t it? One of those things that you don’t know you need until you need it – and then you wonder why you never used it before) you’ve got your English needs pretty much covered. But Collins have gone for the whole schoolbag reboot this week – so there’s also a brilliantly useful School Atlas, a set of fineline pens (I know! There’s stationery!), a scientific calculator… AND a £15 WHSmiths voucher.

Oh, those were the days – there was actually nothing better then mooching through WHSmiths on a Saturday, coveting the notebooks and new lever arch file designs and choosing between the 6,572 pens.



So how to win this brilliant Total schoolbag set, that’s the question. Tis simples! Just use the box below to enter – closing date is the 14th of September, and first name of of the cyber hat wins. And once you’ve entered, make sure you go back and enter Days 1 & 2 if you missed them – stick around, we’re here all week ;)

Good Luck!

Collins Back To School 3

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. i love the word tattle-tale

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  2. Mine is Stupedous

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  3. filigree and dandelion, no idea why!

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  4. Abracadabra!

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  5. I love Angel :-)

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  6. I like serendipity.

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  7. I love the word adventure

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  8. Please.
    Just don’t hear it often enough.

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  9. My favourite word is “Waster” when my puppy is being naughty

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  10. Completed, it just sounds positive!

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  11. Enormous is my fave word

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  12. jingle as you can almost hear it everytime you say the word and it reminds me of Christmas!

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  13. My son would love these!

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  14. Onomatopoeia ;)

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  15. Literature :-)

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  16. Love the word ATTRACTION

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  17. Slug :)

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  18. serendipity

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  19. “Plunge” for me :)

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  20. Mellifluous, which funnily enough itself means pleasing to hear!

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  21. my favourite word is . . . . . . scrumptious

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  22. Sorry, commented in the Gleam box! It’s Skulk.

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  23. I love to say Darjeeling to my husband

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  24. “Honey” – it just makes me smile.

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  25. I say gorgeous a lot

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  26. Godwottery x

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  27. I love the word fizzy

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  28. scrumdidliumptious

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  29. Serendipity

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  30. Batrachomyomachy something my daughters do often, please if you’re a parent to a girl you have to look it up. It will ring true.

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  31. My favourite word is delicious!

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  32. My favourite word is snuggles

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  33. concur – hubby and I use it a lot, although used frequently by medical practitioners, that is not the case in our house.. it is usually through gritted teeth :)

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  34. Autumnal is my favourite word

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  35. Muddle – I’m always getting myself into one and like the way it sounds :)

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  36. Kerfuffle!
    ( that’s my favourite ‘ clean one anyway ha ha)
    Great giveaway x

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  37. Fabulous – it’s not complicated or fancy but I just love it.

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  38. Gelatinous

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  39. I love the word cracker—don’t know why, just do! :D

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  40. Mine is Lovely….everything is Lovely :D

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  41. I’ve always been enamoured of Stenhousemuir… it’s a team in the scottish league and I always giggle when I hear it!!

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  42. Oxymoron – doesn’t just have a meaning but actually sounds like it’s insulting you i.e. ‘that doesn’t make sense you moron!’ :)

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  43. My word is “woofer” which we say instead of dog in our family. It sounds much more friendly!

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  44. I like “accommodation” – I like longer words and this is one that I use quite often at work

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  45. I’ve always loved the word “stoat”.

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  46. I like the word floating

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  47. Ooze is my favourite word. It is incredibly descriptive while being both awful and wonderful at the same time.

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  48. Lollygagger

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  49. I love the word squish

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  50. My favourite word is NO..well that’s what my kids think lol

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  51. My favourite word is onomatopoeia.

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  52. I definitely love saying long words – exaggeration, superfluous, effervescent!

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  53. Diet, I must love it as it’s all I seem to do

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  54. Cafuffle, love it.

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  55. Officiate – It reminds me of Kenan and Kel when I was a kid

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  56. mine is reconciliation! just because I was so proud of learning to spell it when I was younger and it just sort of stuck with me lol

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  57. Antidisestablishmentarianism

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  58. Plinth – the most masculine word
    Moist – the queen of feminine words

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  59. Boomerang

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  60. mine is pickle-puss because that’s what i have given my kids as a pet name as they grew up and now i use it for my grandson

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  61. My favourite word is knowledge :)

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  62. Autumn – I adore this season and the word conjours up all the best things!

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  63. Love the word “chrispy”

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  64. absolutely

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  65. I like the word, divine and delicious

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  66. Mine is glistening, it sounds pretty!

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  67. My favourite word has always been ‘Catkin’ and I have no idea why! I just like it

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  68. My favourite word to say is Deliah – its so pretty! If i am lucky enough to have more children, a girl in particular, i would name her Deliah!

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  69. My favourite word is ‘subsequently’

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  70. Snuggle and tickle

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  71. Melodious

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  72. My two favourite words have always been Annexe and Verandah – with those spellings!

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  73. I like doppelganger

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  74. has to be ‘moist’ and yes Miranda Hart is to blame for that.

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  75. Some brilliant words already said, lots of those are my favourites too :)
    I love the words ‘pedantic’ and ‘brazen’.
    I just cherish the look on my 22 & 24 year old son’s faces when I say ‘Oh stop being pedantic!’, it shuts them up everytime! Good tip there guys :P

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  76. Effervescent

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  77. my fav word is widget,If I can think of the name of something I just say ‘can you get me the widget thing from the kitchen?’ lol

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  78. Wobble – love how it rolls off the tongue! ?

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  79. I love the words Coly Wobbles when I’m spooked!

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  80. I like tumultuous, it sort of rolls around in your mouth!

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  81. discombobulated

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  82. scrumpticious

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  83. I say ‘Fudged’ lol

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  84. superfluous!

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  85. Brouhaha, such a fun word to say!

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  86. I love the word Oxymoronically!

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  87. I like how lazy the word procrastination sounds.

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  88. I love to say “simples”

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  89. Procrastination xx

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  90. supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

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  91. Marvellous

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  92. Winsome …. I clicked yes on the fb but the link didn’t work :(

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  93. Scrumptious it’s just so yummy

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  94. It’s got to be Kerfuffle!

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  95. my fave word is Payday

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  96. Procrastination. I’m very good at it and the sheer length of the word seems to reflect its meaning too.

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  97. I love the word pouch. It always makes me giggle, lol xx

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  98. I love the word sublime xx

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  99. captivating

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  100. I tend to call everyone I know pickle

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  101. ‘Congratulations’ is my favourite word

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  102. I love the word Lush .x

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  103. Modulated.

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  104. I like the word “Cheers”

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  105. I love the word Christmas :)

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  106. Fabulicious!

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  107. I love the word fabulous, I must say it about 20 times a day! :-)

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  108. Vibrant is my favourite such a great word

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  109. this would be most helpful for my grandson

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  110. I love ‘vestibule’ Sadly I don’t get to use it very often.

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  111. My word of the moment is ‘Basically’ but it changes all the time

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  112. Yummytastic – I know it’s not a proper word, but I love it xxx

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  113. Abracadabra!

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  114. Awesome – I use it all the time x

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  116. Marshmallow – no idea why!

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  117. I like saying beautiful, or anything that makes my accent sound strong, as a northern irish lerson living in cornwall it always makes my kids laugh when i say things like now!

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  118. has to be supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

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  119. Mojo – mostly used to describe gut feelings – good/bad mojo. I also like parsnip – the more you say it, the less sense it makes!

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  120. Ridiculous

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  121. I like the words Canoodle and collywobbles

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  122. My favourite word would have to be unicorn

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  123. My favourite word is Banana!! Purely because; its a healthy food, you can use it as an insult without being too insulting, you can go ‘bananaanaannananananananananana’ which is always fun! Theres also that old ring tone ‘bring bring bring bring bring bring bring banana phone banana phone!’ and the Gwen Stefani one!! Who doesn’t love the word banana?

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  124. Mine is the word fantastic, as I use it all the time. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

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  125. Stuff and figment lol :)

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  126. antidisestablishmentarianism

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  127. I love to say clutch and plum!!

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  128. masquerade thankyou

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  129. Discombobulate. Love the sound of this word :)

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  130. i like indelible

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  131. Kerfuffle is a great word, as is sparkle!!

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  132. mine is amazing i say it way way way to much but i just love how it sounds

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  133. Verbosity is mine

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  134. Moosta (my daughter’s nickname!)

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  135. Unbelievable – I think it’s a beautiful word

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