7 Savvy Ways to Combat Stress as a Busy Parent

Every day you survive as a busy parent is a win in your book. There are endless chores to be done, laundry piles higher than the ceiling and never ending meals to cook for all the family. As much as you adore the little ones in your life, sometimes you need a moment to step away and feel like yourself again. Most parents find that as soon as they have their children they lose their sense of self and struggle to find time to get it back. Whether you enjoy staying fit and healthy, or you like to play online games, there are so many ways in which you can de-stress as a parent who is always in demand. Consider the following seven savvy methods and you will soon find a whole host of ways to combat your stress and feel a sense of relief in your day to day life.

  1. Meditate

The power of mediation should never be overlooked, especially when you’ve got a household of children you can be noisy at times. Taking time out of your day to meditate will not only give you a positive activity to focus your energy on, but it will also help you to process your feelings. Using a meditation app, you can follow a guided meditation to help you feel at ease at the end of a busy and stressful day. Give it a try, even if it’s just for five short minutes at the end of the day; you never know how beneficial this could be for your mental health!

  1. Play a Game

When it comes to forgetting about the stresses of the day and escaping to a different place in your head, you may find it beneficial to play a game online. On your phone or tablet you have instant access to hundreds of games that can help you destress, focus your energy in a positive way and allow you to move your thoughts onto exciting and tactful subject matters. Whether you’re exploring the world of online chess, or you’re enjoying a calming game of solitaire, there are so many different games you can choose from. Luckily, most of these online games are free to play and you can try them at any time of the day, from first thing in the morning to late at night. Why not give them a try, and see if they allow your brain to switch off and refocus for a short time?

  1. Cook a Healthy Meal for Yourself

Although you probably spend hours and hours a day cooking for your family, do you ever stop and allow yourself a chance to actually enjoy cooking? Spending some time in the kitchen and actually creating a healthy dish that makes you feel good is such a game changer. Not only will it give you a boost of energy for the upcoming day ahead, but it will also help you to stay fit and healthy as you are such an active and busy parent.

  1. Clear Your Social Calendar

When you’re going through a particularly busy phase at home, you may need to slow down on the social aspects of your life just a little bit. Having too much in your diary can become pretty overwhelming if you’re feeling stressed out and too busy at home. Whether you’re turning down an invite for a party, or you’re politely declining that impending baby shower, you need to do what is right for you. There is no shame in having a quiet social life for a while as you allow your body and mind to catch up.

  1. Read a Book

Whenever you get the chance to read a book or start a new chapter of one of your favorite reads it can be so enjoyable and relaxing. Spending just twenty minutes a day reading will reset your mindset and allow you to escape to another world for a short amount of time. Reading is also a brilliant de-stressing activity that is proven to reduce anxiety too!

  1. Watch Television

Sometimes you just need to switch off your brain and allow yourself to enjoy your favorite television show. No matter what anybody says, you should know that watching TV as your downtime activity doesn’t make you a terrible person! You don’t need to be super productive all the time and you can spend a couple of hours a day enjoying a binge-worthy show when the kids are tucked up in bed! Carving out time for you and your partner to watch a movie at the end of the day can also be a really enjoyable bonding activity that brings you both closer together. Snuggling up on the couch will help you decompress from the days events and allow you some well-deserved relaxation time as a pair.

  1. Indulge in Your Skincare Regimen

There are so many ways in which you can reduce stress and enjoy your skincare regimen at home. Taking a short amount of time out of your day to look after your skin and give yourself a much needed glow will make a huge difference to your stress levels. With a deep cleansing facial wash, a high quality exfoliator and a nourishing moisturizer, you will feel a hundred times more energized and positive after you finish your skincare regime.

Although your stress levels may never completely return down to their original levels, these activities and ideas will certainly go a long way. You need to listen to your inner desires and opt for something that you know will truly help you in the long run. Whether you’re taking a power nap on the couch before the next school run, or you’re delving into your favorite book whilst taking a long, hot bubble bath, there is so much you can do to reduce your stress levels and find a happy balance at home. As soon as you get into your own routine, you’ll find it much easier to find those small pockets of time to dedicate to your favorite activities. Try some of these ideas for yourself and see how they work for you!

Author: Courtenay

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