Single parenthood is not easy. Whether the other parent is involved with visitation, or not, being the default parent, for most of the time can take a toll on you mentally and physically. What’s even more distressing is how finances can be even more challenging with only one parent paying for all of the bills in the household.

We gave you handy ways to save money as a single parent. Now, we have more unique money-saving methods listed below you may have not thought about.
Don’t forget to reward yourself within reason during this single parenthood journey. Maybe playing a NetBet slot game or having a relaxing bath can be ways to kick back after a long day.
Get Creative With Reducing Energy Costs
There are many ways you can get creative with you and your family to reduce energy costs. For example, have you and your children gotten in the habit of turning off the lights when you are not in the room? Instead of running the television, consume entertainment on battery-powered devices that only have to be plugged in for a little bit of time to charge them up. Prioritize only watching television during a family movie night. Place limits on consumed entertainment on a mobile device to make more family time.
Unplug appliances when they are not in use to reduce the power or consumption when still plugged in and not turned on. Convert conventional light bulbs to energy-efficient alternatives that consume less energy.
These tactics for reducing energy consumption are especially useful for the summer months when you need an air conditioner or the winter months when space heaters are required.
With such a busy schedule and little ones to feed, it can be tempting to want to eat out for convenience. However, this can eat into your pocket and cause you to spend more money than you have to.
Instead, sit down on a Saturday night and plan all your meals out for the week. Make a list of all the ingredients you need and place a pickup order at your favorite grocery retailer. This way, you are only purchasing what you need and not falling into the trap of placing extra things in your cart while in-store grocery shopping.
Reevaluate Your Spending Habits
This can be one of the toughest tactics to save money as a single parent. However, it can be one of the most pivotal ways to change how you and your children live. The first step is to evaluate what purchases our needs and which ones are wants.
Clothing, food, and household utilities (electricity, water, phone, heating, and cooling) are the basic needs to survive. Anything outside of that would be considered a want. Teaching your children. This vital difference could also help them to budget strategically as they become adults.
You may feel bad when you have to tell your child that a toy is not a necessity when they want it and it makes them happy. To keep them satisfied, even if they are not receiving the toy that day, you can take a picture of it and tell them you can keep it in mind for their birthday or Christmas.
Make Budgeting A Family Affair
Teach your children the value of budgeting. By understanding the reasons why you have to budget your money, they can learn valuable lessons on how to stretch their dollars when they receive allowances from you or money for holiday gifts. Promoting this habit to your children can save money in the long run because you will not be as pressured or guilty into buying certain things if your children keep asking you for them.