At the bottom of the cupboard in my wardrobe is a box. Inside that box is a pile of clothes. Not a big pile – just a neat, folded, carefully placed pile. A range of items – a basic wardrobe collection, in fact. Jeans, tops, a cardigan. All worn, but all looked after, and still with ‘plenty of wear in them’ as my Granny used to say.
They are all maternity clothes.
My youngest child is eight.
There will be no more children.

NB – This was taken at 33wks, the morning after a late night 10-pin bowling session. There *may* have been much hilarity by friends watching my bowling-ball-shaped self trying to lob a ball (and NOT myself) down the lanes. Anyway, you’re supposed to be looking at the clothes, not my leftover mascara and last-night’s-hair look.
And yet, that box remains…
It’s not that I long for another child (four is more than enough, in anyone’s book) – much as I truly loved every second of each of my pregnancies, and would actually do the pregnancy thing again in a heartbeat, having another toddler in the house? No. Thank you.
So why that box of clothes?
I think it’s because they remind me. I see them, and I smile.
But that’s silly – I smile every time I see my children (except, you know, when I’m snarking angrily at them). They remind me too. And I have photographs. And I am never ever going to wear them again. Even that gorgeously perfect Isabella Oliver white tee. And those jeans (oh! Those jeans! How I loved my bum in those jeans. *sigh*).
So – next week we’re visiting Salisbury. And I shall be taking my box along, and popping it into TKMaxx while I’m there (I might just top it up with a few other choice items I can clear out while I’m there. Ooooh, I feel a whole wardrobe decluttering coming on… *rubs hands in glee*).
We are pleased to be working with TK Maxx on their Give Up Clothes For Good campaign in association with Cancer Research UK Kids and Teens. As you may know, this campaign is all about encouraging people to take used clothes to their local TK Maxx store – customers can use any bag to donate clothing and accessories – every item donated is sold in Cancer Research UK shops to help support children’s cancer – if every UK household donated just one bag of clothes, we could save 25m bags from landfill and raise £740m.
Find your nearest TK Maxx store here