A Quick But Important Plea.
Last year we were thrilled to be winners of the Gurgle Award for ‘Best Working Mum’s Blog‘, sponsored by ELC and Mothercare. Voting is open once again, and we would totally really love it if you could vote for us. Winning these awards is a massive achievement for us – and we can only do it if you like us enough to vote for us.
We know you love what we do, we certainly know you love the competitions we can offer – and we can only keep doing so with your help.
For us this is NOT about the physical prize.
It’s about the recognition for the long hours, the tears, the tantrums, the high-fives, the coffee-swilling-biscuit-eating tough days, and the random “Oh! Thank You!” fab days we get, running our business whilst raising our children and keeping on top of the laundry mountain. Ish (What? I iron. Sometimes.).
We are proud of LittleStuff. And were genuinely thrilled to have won last year. To win again would be… unthinkable, but brilliant.
It honestly does only take five seconds; PLEASE click the image and vote for us in the Best Working Mummy category.
This is the ONLY award we’ll be asking for you to vote for us – we really would appreciate your support and 5 seconds of your time.
1 April 2012
If you could just spare us two minutes… http://t.co/EBPGxF7k
2 April 2012
A Quick But Important Plea. | LittleStuff http://t.co/Gfbq63cf
3 April 2012