Bestest Christmas Gift guide – IKEA soft toys
Did you know that for every soft toy, kids meal and book purchased in IKEA stores until December 23rd, the IKEA foundation will donate 1 Euro to UNICEF and Save the Children to support Children’s education programmes throughout the world.
No, me either.
And those bods at IKEA? They know how to make soft toys, no? I *want* that stoopid reindeer… and this little man down here is the newest version of Monty, y’know. Monty is a bear which my No.2 son, Boy, was given as a baby – and who still adorns his bed, even now. In fact, he has three Monty’s, as we were afraid to lose one – and at this price you can afford to get spares…
Want to see Monty in action? Here…

Why was he called Monty? Because he can do a mean shoulder action, like the scene in the Job Centre queue in The Full Monty of course… *tut*
Boy turned ten this summer – and Monty still looks much the same (only he looks smaller when Boy hugs him now). Yes, IKEA soft toys really are that good. Oh, and d’you how much Monty cost? 49p. The price has DOUBLED in ten years. Shocking, I know…
IKEA’s soft toys can’t be bought online, but if you find yourself in a store, don’t forget to grab one on your way through. There’s no such thing as too many soft toys for a house – and you’ll be helping some needy children of the world while you’re at it.