Personalised ‘The Magic Is Real’ Mug by Letteroom #ChristmasGiftGuide
We always love a good mug here at LittleStuff, why we have been going on about them for years and of course our favourite Cornishware blue and white striped mug has been our staple since the very begining of time. So when we came accross this lovely, well we just had to share of course… Personalised ‘Magic Is Real’ Mug, choose which special Elf is going to get their own mug this Christmas! Add your name to the...
Stunning Handmade Himalayan Candles from Border Fine Arts #ChristmasGiftGuide
Oh we love candles, and if they have a wonderful scent we love them even more. So when we came accross these stunning handmade Himalayan candles from Enesco, we were just a little excited. There are Ten (tes TEN!) new candles, four new fragrances and a new attractive container join the Himalayan Candle Collection, providing perfect ways to scent your home and to stylishly decorate it. The new spicy scents of Mistletoe and...
The Chocolate & Gin Collection from Hotel Chocolat #ChristmasGiftGuide
Well we all deserve a little indulgence from time to time don’t we, and Christmas seems the ideal opportunity to do just that. If not for ourselves a lovely gift for friends or family, chocolate and alcohol always seem to go down well. And this lovely Chocolate and Gin Collection from Hotel Chocolat is the ideal combination. For devotees of the finest gin, a collection of their best loved gin-inspired recipes. Including:...
Star Wars Millennium Falcon Multitool from Amazon #ChristmasGiftGuide
One for the StarWars geek in the family, we forsaw this fabuloso gift at Amazon, it covers all the bases agree we think you will ! This is not just any tool, oh no, it’s a multi-tool! Eleven yes eleven functions! It’s a Screwdriver, Earphone Tidy, Bottle Opener, Wire Stripper, 5 box-end wrenches / ring spanners, Ruler, Parcel opener……phew It’s made from Stainless steel, and it’s small enough...
Record Player and CD Player System from Clas Ohlson #ChristmasGiftGuide
This item is now no longer available so we reccomend this lovely urntable with Built in Speakers, Supports Vinyl to MP3 Recording, USB MP3 Playback – click here Did you know that this year has been the highest selling year for records (yes records, LP’s Albums etc) for the last 15 years? Records or vinyl as we used to say are definately on the up and making a comeback in quite a big way. But of course we do still have a...
Picture Frame by House Additions #ChristmasGiftGuide
Here at Littlestuff, we are always on the look out for something new, something different, something eye catching. So when we stumbled upon this lovely Picture frame by House additions (sold through Wayfair), we just had to share it with you. Why not make a feature of your favourite family snaps with this eye-catching photo frame, showcasing a bronze scrollwork design with embellished butterfly accents and five apertures. we...