DIY Craft Ideas for the Entire Family
Spending time with the kids and doing something together is great for relationship building. Sharing a DIY project is known to be one of the most effective ways to get children more engaged and open minded while training their motor skills. There is no shortage of things to try and DIY projects to do either. To help you pick a project to share with the entire family, here are some DIY craft ideas you can look into, particularly ideas...
Get Booking! London Theatre’s 21st Annual Kids Week Tickets – Now Open!
Glittering selection of top London shows offering free Kids Week Tickets and activities for children and families this August Kids Week, the annual London theatre initiative run by Society of London Theatre (SOLT), returns in August 2018, with more than 40 hit shows offering free Kids Week Tickets for children throughout the month. The scheme, which aims to encourage more young people and their families to experience the magic of live...
Does your teen know about National Citizen Service? NCS, it’s WAY cooler than it sounds…
A couple of years ago now, we saw an advert for the NCS – the National Citizen Service. We’d never heard of it before, but we loved the look of it, and when we discussed it with our oldest (who was 16 at the time) he was absolutely up for it. Sadly, his health took a back slide, and we just couldn’t be sure he was ready for a summer of adventure; but as our younger kids come to the right age, we’ll be...
Teenagers, Exams – and Phones, Screens & Sleep.
Living with an exams-looming teenager is a stressful business, the likes of which your parenting skills have not yet encountered. Publicly declare that you have a revising teen in your house, and parents of now-adult children will eye you with more sympathy then they ever muster for a toddler tantrum. Fellow parents-of-teens will fist-bump you with wild-eyed solidarity. And possibly pass you a glass of gin. Speaking from experience,...
Revision – How To Make Your Brain Work For You | #RevisionThatSticks
Having three older teenagers in the house, I’m rapidly becoming a pro at this Parenting Exam-mers thing. Between 15 and 18 it feels like there’s just no let up in the relentless pursuit of grades, and the swing of the pre-, mid- and post-exam mood cycle. Ugh. So we’re really excited to be working with any exam parents best friends, Collins (if you haven’t yet, you should definitely take a look at their Parents...
Surviving Exam Season – Top Insider Tips From a Family Who’ve Been There
Exam season is upon us – and I’m definitely feeling your pain and your fear of ever Surviving Exam Season. I’ve parented through GCSE’s and A Levels, and child No.3 sits his GCSE’s next year – I’m becoming a pro at this. There’s an old Zen saying which I love; ‘Everything the same; everything different’. Every teen is unique, of course, with different struggles, different...