New Curriculum AQA A-level Economics Practice Test Papers from Letts

New Curriculum AQA A-level Economics Practice Test Papers from Letts

The key thing I’ve always found with exam success is practice. Practice, practice, practice. Of course you need ot know your stuff – not having the knowledge in your head on exam morning can be a slight issue in the whole achieving-a-good-grade plan. But if you walk into the exam room and know exactly what to expect – what your exam paper will look like, how the marking scheme works, how long to spend per question...

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We’re loving Collins Snap Revision for Easy English GCSE Revision

We’re loving Collins Snap Revision for Easy English GCSE Revision

If you own a 15 or 16yr old, chances are stress is being to run high in your house right now. GCSE mocks are done, the actual real exams are looming scary-fast, and across the land GCSE students are searching high and low for some easy English GCSE revision. So – we thought we’d gently point you in the direction of these – Collins Snap Revision Guides. Because we think they’re flippin’ brilliant. These...

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Top Y6 SATS practice questions thanks to Collins

Top Y6 SATS practice questions thanks to Collins

It’s that tie of year again, and parents of Yr 6 kids are no doubt starting to see the signs of SATS stress sinking in. Did you know that the Y6 Reading paper was the one test that caught everyone out last year? It was the first year of the new curriculum national tests and no-one anticipated how tricky this paper would be. For all the prep the teachers did, the new paper still caught them unawares – and actually, when...

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Do YOU know what your kids are doing online? 1 in 5 parents don’t.

Do YOU know what your kids are doing online? 1 in 5 parents don’t.

Internet safety for kids. I know, I might bang on about it a bit, but honestly – I’m endlessly surprised at how many of my kids friends’ parents seem to have  little-to-no control over their kids activities on the Internet. Or they go the other way, and out of abject fear of the internet boogie man they lock them down entirely. Like it or not, the internet is as much a part of our kids lives as going to the park was for...

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Weymouth Sea Life | #MerlinAnnualPass

Weymouth Sea Life | #MerlinAnnualPass

This year we were seriously thrilled to be chosen by Merlin as an Annual Pass Ambassador. Sadly, this totally excellent news signalled the start of a catalogue of disastrous months – 2016 has not been kind to the LittleStuff house. Whooping Cough actually stole the first three months of the year; it was as much as I could do to drag through each day with the bare essentials, days out and fun stuff were simply off the agenda. Of...

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The New UCAS Tariff – 10 Things You Need To Know 

The New UCAS Tariff – 10 Things You Need To Know 

My oldest is 17, and has just started his final year in 6th form. Which means we’re now facing the endless bafflement of UCAS and Uni applications. *tremble*. I realise that if your children are pre-schoolers this is a land far, far away (trust me, it’s so not as far away as you think), but if you’re housing teens then you’ll be either vaguely or acutely aware that the whole system just changed on you. So...

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