Looking for good childcare in London
Thankfully I’m now past the stage where I need to worry about childcare. But Seventeen years ago it was pretty much all I could think about. I had a 7mth old baby at home – I had used up my three months maternity leave, I’d had a month off sick with post natal depression (caused by going back to work too soon) and now I was back at work full time. And i hated it. Oh, I didn’t hate my job – I...
Life Is Messy – 7 Steps to stay sane with Messy Play.
I’m raising four children, and in my (*counts quickly* *recounts as surely it can’t be THAT much* *sighs*…) 17 years of experience at this parenting malarky, I’ve learned the odd nugget or two of wisdom along the way. And one of the first things that pops up with traumatised parents of suddenly-active toddlers is messy play.That once calm and well-ordered house (let’s face it, babies aren’t capable...
KidED – parents, you’ll LOVE this free app.
We all know that screentime is here to stay for our kids generation – and I think most of us agree it’s a pretty amazing opportunity for them. The breadth of the the world’s knowledge is literally at their fingertips, available for the searching (although I admit with the wealth of wisdom at her own delicate fingertips, my then-8yr old preferred to amuse herself and her friends by asking Google “how d’you...
Learning to code online with the brilliant Code Kingdoms (and Minecraft!) – plus 20% discount code!
It’s a simple fact of life that our children are going to need skills that we don’t even know exist. Their world is moving fast, and is ever more digital. My 9yr old is a slow handwriter but she can touch type whilst holding another conversation in the room – now I’m good, but I’m not that good. Naturally, where there’s tech-savvy kids in the house, there’s Minecraft. We’ve been old...
WIN a set of Letts GCSE Success Books TODAY! #Revision
Day Three of the Back To School Books week, and I hope you’re really getting into the swing of it now. Now, firstly, let’s not forget why we’re here; Letts Revision is totally worth a visit for any parent – with the needs of different types of learner at the heart of its approach, Letts provides every student with the resources they need to improve performance in the skills, topics and subjects taught at school. There’s not only...
WIN a set of Letts KS2 SATS Success Books TODAY! #Revision
So you’re back for day two, huh? Of course you are – it’s flipping brilliant round here this week :) Day two is perfect for all of you currently housing a stressed Yr6 facing down the barrel of their SATS next month. Because Day 2’s bundle is an all-encompassing set of revision guides, practice workbooks and test papers for the Yr6 SATS – guaranteed to help steady nerves and make any child feel ready and relaxed about...