Top 10 Scientifically Proven Ways Your Child Can Study Better
One again *that* time of year is rolling around, and parents of 11yr olds facing SATS plus the older 15-18yr olds looking down the barrel of exams are wondering how best they can help their child study and achieve the grades that they have the potential for. Naturally every parent is as different as every child – some will float through the exam period in a bubble of stress-free relaxed it-is-what-it-is aura. Others will find...
Studying for an Exam: Three Things to Stop Doing Now
When it comes to exams, everyone has their own way of preparing. From creating a well-thought-out revision timetable, swatting up with friends or using an online tutor, there’s a method to suit every kind of studier. You might think you have the perfect means of retaining facts cracked, but there’s certainly a few things you can keep in mind to ensure you’re being as efficient as possible. We won’t tell you how best to work – that’s...
Parent’s Guide to Back To School Computers – 10% discount code Chillblast
We know, we know. It’s that time of year; your teen goes back to school (or off to Uni), and there suddenly seem to be more demands than ever for work to be completed online, use online resources or at the very least for work to be submitted by email. You thought it had been bad in the holidays, but now fighting for space on the family laptop becomes a daily struggle. And that’s not even mentioning their downtime leisure...
John Lewis – price-match + 3 year warranty on Apple products for September!
So they’re all back to school, or maybe setting off to Uni in just a few more days. And you’re starting to think that maybe they really do need that new laptop/desktop/tablet they’ve been badgering you for all summer. Well before you head to your nearest High Street electrical store, make sure you check John Lewis. Possibly not your first thought, but seriously; I get all my big electricals from them. Because not...
BRANTANO calls for children nationwide to Walk To School for charity
Brantano is calling for children and their parents to pledge to walk to school more often this term, to help raise money for road safety charity, Brake. Research by the shoe retailer has revealed that only a third of children and parents regularly walk to and from school every week and further research highlights that only a quarter of parents feel the route between their home and school is safe. Brantano is aiming to encourage the...
World Atlas with Collins #BackToSchoolBooks
I know it’s a ‘School Atlas’ but this is the baby you want on your shelf as your child moves on into secondary school. I LOVE an Atlas – who doesn’t? In fact, I’ve written about my love of a big Atlas as a child before. But this one is no picture atlas to capture a small mind. This is the big sister to a picture atlas – and it means business. Recently revised and extended, it features...