Maths KS2 Revision & Practice with Collins #BackToSchoolBooks
Next up in our series of essential Back To School book buys is the KS2 Maths revision text from Collins. Anyone with a child entering Yr6 this year will know the SATS are looming large – love them or loathe them (does anyone in the country actually love the SATS? I think not…), they’re headed to a classroom near you. And I found through bitter experience that the best way to make them as painless as possible is to...
Back To School Books with Collins #BackToSchoolBooks
We’re properly excited to be working with the fabulous Collins4Parents team again on some BackToSchool stuff for you. Not just some essential books you should really be keeping on your shelves, but we’ve also got a HUGELY exciting campaign coming in a week or two – keep your eyes PEELED people. If you have someone in the house who’s learning, you’ll not want to miss it. I promise. Brilliant, it’s...
Introducing the UDOO Neo – Tech Stuff for Baffled Parents
As any geek parents will know, the original UDOO board was pretty amazing. It was the next logical step on from the fabulously ground-breaking Raspberry Pi, and combined the Pi with Arduino, letting you run the tiny computer as well as control electronic projects. Well, this year the people behind UDOO created a new kickstarter – the UDOO neo. It includes the Raspberry Pi and an Arduino board as before, but this time...
Summer Tuition – do you bother?
Obviously as Home Educators, the long summer break doesn’t bother us in the slightly – but that also means I can see the benefit of summer tuition. After all, my strongest belief is that learning never stops. I know a lot of teachers fight an uphill battle in September; the kids have been on a free rein for six weeks, and are in no mood to settle down to desks and concentration again. Summer tuition doesn’t mean...
Letts 11+ Success – are you looking at Grammar Schools for 2016?
The 11+ is looming for a whole new batch of 10yr olds, heading into Yr6 the test comes not long after the new term starts, so lots are starting their practice runs now. And whether or not you’re stumping up for tuitions or Saturday schools, there’s nothing that can beat some practice – sitting down with your child so that both of you understand the test, it’s format and what is expected. The key thing in any...
BAFTA Young Game Designers (YGD) competition – and FREE ‘young game designer’ workshops
BAFTA YGD workshops will take place in Manchester, Newcastle and London in May: Competition entry deadline is Monday 1 June The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) is hosting free workshops around the UK to inspire young people to consider a career in games. The workshops, which began in Glasgow in April and take place in Manchester, Newcastle and London in May, are in support of the BAFTA Young Game Designers (YGD)...