5 Areas to Educate Children on E-Safety

5 Areas to Educate Children on E-Safety

Children in this day and age have easy access to technology. Whether they have a mobile phone, tablet, or computer, they can access the internet anywhere and anytime they need to. While the internet is a fantastic tool for kids to learn, play games, and communicate with friends, it also has the potential to harm them. Parents and teachers must therefore educate kids on some areas of e-safety. Rawpixel.com Shutterstock...

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Family Game Night Games – Dixit

Family Game Night Games – Dixit

We’ve been determined for months now to start playing regular Family Game Night Games. So when Asmodee got in touch and asked if we’d like to receive a selection of Family Game Night Games, I’ll admit I bit their hand off. Finally, I was going to HAVE to get organised and sit down for some serious fun with the whole family; and it wouldn’t even be Christmas or on holiday!(you can see last week’s review of Catan here) Dixit was a...

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Family Game Night Games – Settlers of Catan

Family Game Night Games – Settlers of Catan

We’ve been determined for months now to start playing regular Family Game Night Games. So when Asmodee got in touch and asked if we’d like to receive a selection of Family Game Night Games, I’ll admit I bit their hand off. Finally, I was going to HAVE to get organised and sit down for some serious fun with the whole family; and it wouldn’t even be Christmas or on holiday! If you are a fan of video games,...

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How to teach English Online in-home and educate your kids

How to teach English Online in-home and educate your kids

fizkes Shutterstock Balance is what every single person seems to be striving for, even more so in these uncertain times. Yet it truly does appear to be more difficult than ever to achieve. There are work obligations, children’s wants and needs, as well as everyday tasks that come up around the home. And all that is before one considers the desire to take a holiday to sunnier climes, or the longer-term renovation projects that might...

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Entire GCSE Maths Foundation in One Week? It’s the revison book every Yr11 needs right now!

Entire GCSE Maths Foundation in One Week? It’s the revison book every Yr11 needs right now!

Have your kids left their GCSE to the last minute?  (I know, I know, rhetorical question. Of course they have. They all do. I know I did…)Then this book is just what they need. This little book of beauty breaks down the whole GCSE Maths Foundation course into one week’s worth of revision! No need for major shouting matches as you prise them away from Snapchat to face a maths book or two – just don’t let...

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How does a home educated teenager apply for University?

How does a home educated teenager apply for University?

Every year, amongst the thousands of university entrants, there are of course home educated teenagers. But with no school or form tutor to walk you through the process, how does a home educated teenager apply for university? Well – it’s much like the rest of the exam system you will have navigated to get to this point: it’s a case of familiarising yourself with the steps, checking the timeline – and cracking on...

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