Family Game Night Games – Dixit
We’ve been determined for months now to start playing regular Family Game Night Games. So when Asmodee got in touch and asked if we’d like to receive a selection of Family Game Night Games, I’ll admit I bit their hand off. Finally, I was going to HAVE to get organised and sit down for some serious fun with the whole family; and it wouldn’t even be Christmas or on holiday!(you can see last week’s review of Catan here) Dixit was a...
This woman had a day off. And the day off was good.
So last week I was planning my day off, remember? I had it all worked out, thanks to One4all, and I was really looking forward to selfishly enjoy every last second. So at the end of the week I put my plan into action. I took a day off. via GIPHY I Took.ADay.Off. I KNOW! It wasn’t actually too tricky – I don’t have kids young enough to need military-style childcare in place; my youngest is 11 now, and as long as...
Suffering through Blue Monday? Frankly, This Woman Needs A Day Off.
Today’s Blue Monday. Before I even knew it was a ‘thing’, I definitely knew it was a thing. We all recognise it, don’t we? Christmas is done, the parties are over, the pretty sparkly lights are back in the loft. Work’s busier than you can handle, the weather is bloody miserable, and payday is still such a very very long way away. Frankly, if payday wasn’t quite so far off (and the credit card...
Discussing Self Esteem with Your Teenage Girl
When your daughter reaches her teenage years, she may seem to lack the confidence that she once had as a child. This may be fairly obvious if she becomes withdrawn, but can also be covered up through teenage behaviour and even an argumentative nature. To help your daughter to regain that comfort in who she is, you may want to have a conversation with her regarding what it is that has caused her self esteem to suffer. Not only could...
How To Show The World You’re Proud Of What You Believe In
Have you ever wanted to tell the world about something that’s important to you? Or have you ever felt like showing support for someone in your life who is dealing with a difficult time? Back in the day, it used to be pretty hard for people to show their pride in what they believed in. But with the invention of social media and branded merchandise, as well as flags, has made that really easy. How do you start? We live in a world...
How to help teens increase their self-kindness
Becky Goddard-Hill is a children’s psychotherapist and wellbeing author. Her new activity book for kids aged 6-12 is called Create Your Own Kindness and it teaches kids to be kinder to themselves other people and to the planet. Self-Kindness is of course crucial no matter what age you are and here Becky looks at why, for teens, this matters now more than ever. The impact of recent times on emotional health This pandemic has been...