Mothering Sunday Gift Ideas – Hummingbird scarf, so pretty!
SUCH a pretty scarf – and so soft and warm too. 70% lambswool, 30% cashmere. not one to be decorated with baby sick, mind, but definitely one to keep and treasure. Spotted over at Charlotte & Co, the Hummingbird Cashmere mix scarf is on sale, and can be yours for a bargainous £49 at the moment.
Mothering Sunday Gift Ideas – Crewel Birdie Cushion
Another fabulous spot form the Ethical Superstore – just ADORE this birdie cushion. Look at those colours! And the size means it’s a real cushion too – 40cm from beak to tail! The Crewel Birdy Cushion is currently reduced down to under £30 in the Ethical Superstore – and as with all thinsg they stock, it’s produced by a Fair Trade Producer Group. Brilliant!
Mothering Sunday Gift Ideas – Seriously Pretty Coloured Bottles
Aren’t these the prettiest? I can just imagine receiving them with a slightly wilty dandelion or stemless daisy head in each! Handcrafted by skilled producers in fair trade conditions in India, I think they’re just irresistable. And with 49% off at the moment, they’re a total bargain too at under £13 for all five! The set of five multi bottles with the hessian band were Spotted! in my new go-to place for inspiration,...
Mothering Sunday Gift Ideas – The Gift Candle
Such a sweet little thing, isn’t it? It’s elegantly tiny – just 1 ¾” tall x 1 ½” wide, and for that price, it’s the perfect gift from small people too. The Gift Box Candle was Spotted! over on My Crafty Candles, they have a whole range of candles to suit most budgets.
Sugarpokes. Gift Boxes of Genius.
How often do you want to send ‘a little something’ – but struggle to find anything beyond the obvious flowers or dullsville amazon voucher? Well Sugarpoke have come up with one of the best solutions I’ve seen. Little gift boxes – too small to be called hampers, but thats’ what they are really – which will fit through the letterbox, filled with Seriously Good Things. Lovely firm Brownies...
Spotted! Gumigem Teething Bubba Bangles.
Teething babies and jewelery don’t usually go together – unless it’s Gumigem jewellery! Gumigem Bubba Bangles are fantastic teethers and look gorgeous too. Say you’re out, having coffee with a friend and little one gets a little restless, remove your bangle, hand it to baby and badda bing…. Happy chomping baby! Available in two fab shapes and many different colours, Gumigem Teething Bangles are suitable...