Cranium Game | Pre-Christmas Shopping

Cranium Game | Pre-Christmas Shopping

Christmas is coming a time to put your feet up with the family. And sometimnes its fun to do something else other than watch the television. If you are anything like us, you like nothing more than a good competitive family game. And this game from Hasbro has definitely become a classic since its introduction, indeed something for every talent. Cranium Game Show off all your different talents when you have a fun-filled game of Cranium....

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Reasons to take your teen on a helicopter ride in New York

Reasons to take your teen on a helicopter ride in New York

Taking your teenager to New York City may be a wiser option than when they were younger. At this age, they may be more likely to gain entry to certain attractions that aren’t suited to a younger audience. Likewise, they may also appreciate the trip, and time together, more, especially if they plan on leaving for university soon. A helicopter ride could become part of your itinerary, especially if you have the forethought to save up...

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English Heritage discount code 2022 – save a massive 15%!

English Heritage discount code 2022 – save a massive 15%!

We LOVE English Heritage here in the LittleStuff House. We have had the single Life membership for… well, since No1 son was 3 years old, so we’ve had it for 20 years! When we joined we were at a castle; there was a sign-up offer from English Heritage and we decided it would be a very good investment. We were right – we have easily made our money back over the years, and have so many happy memories with a growing...

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This woman had a day off. And the day off was good.

This woman had a day off. And the day off was good.

So last week I was planning my day off, remember? I had it all worked out, thanks to One4all, and I was really looking forward to selfishly enjoy every last second. So at the end of the week I put my plan into action. I took a day off. via GIPHY I Took.ADay.Off. I KNOW! It wasn’t actually too tricky – I don’t have kids young enough to need military-style childcare in place; my youngest is 11 now, and as long as...

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Suffering through Blue Monday? Frankly, This Woman Needs A Day Off.

Suffering through Blue Monday? Frankly, This Woman Needs A Day Off.

Today’s Blue Monday. Before I even knew it was a ‘thing’, I definitely knew it was a thing. We all recognise it, don’t we? Christmas is done, the parties are over, the pretty sparkly lights are back in the loft. Work’s busier than you can handle, the weather is bloody miserable, and payday is still such a very very long way away. Frankly, if payday wasn’t quite so far off (and the credit card...

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Tape in vs Micro Rings Hair extensions

Tape in vs Micro Rings Hair extensions

When you’re looking for bridal hair inspiration on the internet, keep in mind that the majority of the stunning looks you see on the red carpet have one thing in common: clip-in hair extensions. They’re the tried-and-true Hollywood secret to adding length and volume to your hair in a matter of minutes. As a result, they’re perfect for bridal hairstyles, as they provide you with a lot more options. There are many...

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