7 Reasons Why Portsmouth Should be on Your Travel List
Bursting with world-class attractions, a rich maritime and historical heritage, as well as some of the most fantastic things to do in the south of England, there are several reasons why Portsmouth should be on your travel list! What’s more, it is the UK’s only island city. You can discover beautiful coastlines, encounter jaw-dropping warships in the historic harbour and sample an eclectic mix of foodie delights in this iconic...
Discussing Self Esteem with Your Teenage Girl
When your daughter reaches her teenage years, she may seem to lack the confidence that she once had as a child. This may be fairly obvious if she becomes withdrawn, but can also be covered up through teenage behaviour and even an argumentative nature. To help your daughter to regain that comfort in who she is, you may want to have a conversation with her regarding what it is that has caused her self esteem to suffer. Not only could...
Mugs! Yes, it’s the Best Mugs Tesco has. Hint: they’re good.
Everyone knows we love an Ode To The Mug. Our ‘top 10 gift mugs’ gets consistent traffic through the year. Our ‘mugs for teens’ is always a popular hit at Christmas. And the popularity of our You Mug! Pinterest Board (if you’re a mug fan, you’ll want to go see and probably follow. Oh the mug joy that it contains…) shows me that on a daily basis we’re all looking for The One. It’ll be a...
How To Show The World You’re Proud Of What You Believe In
Have you ever wanted to tell the world about something that’s important to you? Or have you ever felt like showing support for someone in your life who is dealing with a difficult time? Back in the day, it used to be pretty hard for people to show their pride in what they believed in. But with the invention of social media and branded merchandise, as well as flags, has made that really easy. How do you start? We live in a world...
6 Things You Can Do To Improve the Quality of Life of Your Ageing Parents
Living isn’t just enough; it’s important that you ensure your ageing parents get a better quality of life. With good quality of life, your ageing parents are better placed to deal with major life changes and any physical ailments a lot better. As much as you’re dedicated to ensuring that your ageing parents get regular medical checkups, you need to ensure that they feel satisfied and fulfilled with their lives. The...
Trend Alert: Three Stone Engagement Rings
Engagement rings are the ultimate symbol of love and commitment. And right now, loved-up celebrities seem to have a favourite: three stone engagement rings. These elegant, timeless engagement rings are the perfect gift – and you can see more here. Unlike the solitaire ring, which has one stone, a three stone engagement ring has three! Also known as a trilogy ring, a three stone engagement ring is believed to represent the past,...