Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles….
Ask my four year old what his favourite things in the whole wide world are and in the top 5 will be blowing bubbles. He would spend hours and hours outside with an endless supply of bubble mixture. Even better if he can enlist his big brother, Mum and Dad too. I’ve just spotted this Big Bubble Bucket at The Bubble Shop with 3 bubble wands and no-spill bucket and it would be just perfect for him! They also sell big litre bottles...
Gorgeous – really, honest – gorgeous green duffle coat from Vertbaudet
I fell in love with this coat instantly. Just flippin gorgeous, from the colour to the cut to the practically-shaped hood, the zip AND toggle front and the thoughtful snug jersey sleeve lining which stops the drippy snow and arctic winds going up your sleeves. For me, it’s a wee bit thin for a duffle coat – but with a jumper underneath she’s never felt chilly (and in case you hadn’t noticed we’ve had a...
Hauck’s Dream’n Play Travel Cot
On receiving the travel cot it was already on to a winner for just being block colour in design and not having any generic disney images of winnie the pooh or a rubbish picture of a giraffe on it! Score! Why must all baby equipment have ‘stuff’ scrawled on it? Bleurgh! The pale pastel colours are sweet, although plane black would be perfection too be honest or even single primary colours. Now, in terms of putting the thing...
The Bestest Christmas Gift Guide #28 – There Are Cats…
There are Cats ……..in this book. And they are of the very best seriously sensible, naughty, purr-ey, hidey sort. I bought this book on a whim – at £2.45 it was hardly going to break the bank, and seemed like a good stocking filler. When it arrived, I flipped through it, like you do. And despite being all alone in an empty house, I actually laughed out loud. Not smiling with a huffey sort of noise, not an amused...
The Bestest Christmas Gift Guide #26 – Jonnys Sisters Letters
Don’t forget these gorgeous lovelies from Jonnys Sister. Only they’re not His Sisters. Or, in fact, Jonnys. They’re mine. Or yours. Or whomever you buy them for, presumably. Gorgeous, lovely, wonderful, sweetly delicious letters. Simple, stylish and just wonderful. Can you tell I have a bit of a soft spot for ours? You can read why I love Jonnys Sister here – but honestly, they are very special, and the sort of...
The Bestest Christmas Gift Guide #27 – Christmas Maileg Mouse! *Squee!*
Yes, yes, I know, Maileg Mice. Again. But Look! They have Christmas Hats! SUCH a perfect thing in a certain Big Long Fillable Sock. There’s a baby girl or baby boy mouse each in its own seasonal matchbox (complete with mattress, pillow and blanket as always). Oh and the festive hats are removable, so you won’t have Christmas Mice in July, honest! (you might also want to take a peek at the really VERY special Mama Mouse. Or...