Jardino Hand Stitched Notebook – #MothersDay
Mother’s Day is fast approaching again and we have just spotted this absolutely adorable Jardino Hand Stitched A5 notebook on Paperchase that we think you and your Mum will love love love too! This luxury hand-stitched journal makes a wonderful gift. The linen cover features a beautiful butterfly design that is finished with 3D sequin embellishments to make it really special. It contains 140 sheets (280 pages) of ruled...
Win 1 of 4 £25 bundles of Lou’s Poo. Yes, really.
We’ve been big fans Lou at the Larches for a long long time, so we couldn’t help but share a shout out when we saw she was selling her amazing Lou’s Poo. I know – it’s not right, is it? It’s not actually Lou’s poo y’understand – it’s her Alpacas. And bloody good stuff it is too. It’ll work anywhere in the garden – it’s packed full of slow release nitrogen,...
Closing MIDNIGHT – win two beauty hampers worth £200!
Yes, this your chance to win TWO beauty hampers (one for you, and one for your best friend: I KNOW!), together worth over £200. Remescar Eye Bags & Dark Circles cream only launched a few months ago here in the UK, and I’m a total convert; this little baby is never far away in the mornings, effectively hiding the sad tiredness that greets my January back-to-work self in the mirror. It works in just 2 minutes, and really...
£5 Christmas Stop-Motion Gift Box – Fab Fun & Easy For Kids
Make your own stop-motion Christmas story with the Sainsbury’s Story Studio app & animation kit Sainsburys thought we might like to try this kit out, and being as we’ve been making stop-motion clips for years I thought it was pretty much a no-brainer. Though if I’m honest, I was a bit unsure as to what the £5 could really be worth spending on, being as we tend to do them with a camera and playmobil or LEGO for free....
Look – Beano’s Back! LOVING these for new fans.
Did you know that Beano is back? No, me either. But it is – and it’s as funny, bright and perfect as ever. And there’s some cracking stuff in the Beano Store if you’re looking for an unexpectedly cool gift for a certain someone this year… Talk about a perfect hoodie – who doesn’t love Gnasher?! Coming in at under £30 in sizes 6-14yrs, this roomy hoody is everything you’re looking for;...
We found the perfect ‘good’ in-ear headphones for your fussy teen
We’re already big fans of Sennheiser (the Urbanite XL, our chosen Ultimate Headphones for your Digital Teen, are still much-loved and used daily – and astonishingly haven’t once broken), so when we were asked if we might like to try the new Momentum in-ear buds, I knew I had to say yes. not least because Teen 1 staked oldest-child-dibs on the Urbanite, and Teen 2 loves an in-ear headphone anyway. The Momentum range is already...