We’ve got a 5% Uberkids discount code for Mother’s Day!

We’ve got a 5% Uberkids discount code for Mother’s Day!

Uber Kids’ was a new store to me when I started working with them in december (remember their advent calendar prize? a super-cool Recaro kids car seat!) – probably because I’m at the wrong end of the country to know the store in North Wales, and their online store happened once my children were too old for me to to be scouring the nursery store sites. But it’s been such a pleasure to discover Uber Kids – a genuinely...

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Spotted! Organic Piccalilly Muslin reduced to £7!

Spotted! Organic Piccalilly Muslin reduced to £7!

As any experienced Mumma will tell you, there can never be too many muslins in the house. Honestly, I learned this the hard way, but those squares of muslin (and also old terry nappies too, in a pinch and for ‘wetter’ situations) will save more emergency situations than you ave any comprehension of as a new mother. And buying good ones are essential – because you’ll become attached, and you’ll still be...

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Spotted! Classic Book covers handbound as Kindle cases! LOVE!

Spotted! Classic Book covers handbound as Kindle cases! LOVE!

  There I was, having a quick noodle around Klevercase (honestly, if you’re a classic book fan but still manage to own a kindle, you’ll thank me for introducing you…), and look what leaped out at me from the Clearance section: Isn’t it just the most beautiful thing? Properly  love love love it. KleverCase was born out of a desire to keep old books alive through the creation of premium cases for e-book...

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Spotted! Gorgeously pretty Wild Garden Sketches Pitcher Jug

Spotted! Gorgeously pretty Wild Garden Sketches Pitcher Jug

  I know, I know. I have a weakness for pretty pitcher jugs. But look… How can you not adore this glorious ceramic jug? Obviously it’ll look great on the table (y’know, as a jug…), but as with most gorgeous pitchers it’s also perfect for displaying fresh flowers. Or just looking purty up on a shelf. This beautiful jug is designed by Kate Thorburn and is part of the ‘What Kate Loves’...

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Spotted! Gentle Reminders Pencils – love them

Spotted! Gentle Reminders Pencils – love them

Aren’t they gorgeous? I’m a sucker for a lovely pencil – and combine that gorgeous mint green with the deliciously succinct quotes and these are a total win for my desk. The Gentle Reminders pencils were Spotted in the pretty amazing AC Designs Etsy store – AC Designs is a proud partner with Love146, an organization dedicated to end child sex slavery and exploitation. Proceeds from the shop will go to fund...

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Win a £200 experience for sharing your own wild #ImpossibleExperiences!

Win a £200 experience for sharing your own wild #ImpossibleExperiences!

I love this idea from Into The Blue – what experience would you choose, if money and practicalities were no obstacle? No rules, no boundaries – just whatever your brain could dream up? I’ll be honest, at first I didn’t think big enough. And then I started to play with the idea, it became a family conversation over dinner and we got much MUCH more imaginative. I mean come on – time, money and the laws of...

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