Make Your Own Garden Tool Belt Tutorial

Make Your Own Garden Tool Belt Tutorial

Absolutely simple, easy-to-follow Garden Tool Belt Tutorial for not-very-good-at-sewing sewers. I’m not generally known as a ‘crafter’.But how far could I go wrong with just a metre of fabric to be used? We’re aren’t talking major needlework on a grand scale here.So, as I’d already fallen in love with the Rayna Apple fabric, and with it’s fabulous green flowers design it was so...

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Gifts for gaming lovers

Gifts for gaming lovers

macondo Shutterstock In recent years, it has become clear just how popular the gaming industry is as it has increased by half a billion players with around 2.7 billion people globally. This trend has coincided with a higher number of people enjoying games and playing games. In this context, for those who love every type of game there are great gifts out there for gamers and it is worth taking a look at which ones are worth buying....

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Top Gifts for a More Thoughtful Christmas

Top Gifts for a More Thoughtful Christmas

Every Christmas, many of us are guilty of buying gifts for the sake of gifting something. We want our loved ones to have something to open, but we don’t know what to buy, and we don’t have time to devote to an extensive shopping trip. Or we’ve got into the habit of thinking that we need everyone to have lots to open, without really thinking about buying people things that they want, need, and will get lots of pleasure from. This year,...

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Supersoft Faux Fur Throw, silver rabbit | Pre-Christmas Shopping

Supersoft Faux Fur Throw, silver rabbit | Pre-Christmas Shopping

We all deserve a bit of luxury from time to time, and this is deiinitely an item that has sumptuousness oozing from every fibre. This winter while you are cosied up in front of the television – or with a good book and a glass of something tasty, by the fire or next to the Christmas tree – why not add that something special? A luxurious throw to make you feel special, warm and snuggly. Be selfish and keep it all for yourself! Supersoft...

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Reasons to take your teen on a helicopter ride in New York

Reasons to take your teen on a helicopter ride in New York

Taking your teenager to New York City may be a wiser option than when they were younger. At this age, they may be more likely to gain entry to certain attractions that aren’t suited to a younger audience. Likewise, they may also appreciate the trip, and time together, more, especially if they plan on leaving for university soon. A helicopter ride could become part of your itinerary, especially if you have the forethought to save up...

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You’re Fierce. LOVING this Beautiful Little Enamel Pin.

You’re Fierce. LOVING this Beautiful Little Enamel Pin.

Teens are ridiculously tricky to buy for – but oh what a perfect gift for your girl this is. Shakespeare said it first: “though she be but little, she is fierce.”. And how right he was. But sometimes your girl will feel a little fragile, and may just need reminding of her own fierceness. Which is, I think, where this beautiful little enamel pin from The Old English Company comes in. Buy it spontaneously, just...

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