New Competition – Win an older kids Street Scooter from Slick Willies
Slick Willies. I admit it – when the email landed in my inbox I thought it was probably from the seriously dodgy end of my email spectrum, and nearly didn’t bother reading it at all. Mr LittleStuff might have tutted and sighed at me when I told him this. Apparently I’m a fool. Because Slick Willies is one of the UK’s leading Skate shops – and the oldest in London (they’re a 70’s child like me,...
Old School Red Leather Satchel? Oh my yes, Yoshi! | Review
I don’t know what it is, but I know I’m not alone in my love of the traditional leather satchel. I mean – how could you not, really? Practical, stylish, versatile… It’s everything you need. And so darn cute, too! And as we head into Autumn and the cooler months, I always seem to put away the cute little fabric bags and backpacks I’ve been using all summer, and reach for something sturdier and...
Spotted! Seriously *love* this Boreal Fisherman slouchy knitted beanie hat
I have decided. I need a new hat. And I want a slouchy knitted beanie hat. It’s always around now that I start rummaging in the hat box for the woolly ones. It’s not quite cold enough for a winter coat yet, but unless I’m running with the dog the cool late afternoon breeze can be a little chilly for just a jumper or a fleece. i find a nice woolly hat does the job perfectly, keeping my ears warm without roasting me....
Spotted! The Most Brilliant Faye Et Fille Giraffe Print Scarf
I was amazed when I saw this fabulous Faye et Fille Giraffe Print Scarf in full. Because when it’s worn, it looks amazingly abstract and autumnal. A hint of giraffe, a hint of bare winter tree – perfect, in fact. Isn’t it gorgeous? Enough colour to brighten up the dullest of November days, and those African tones giving a hint of the warmth and sunshine hidden away if you could only see them. But look –...
Spotted! The Soft Toy Sloth. Trust me; you’ll know you need her once you see her…
I know, I know. Who on earth would think about a soft toy sloth. But when Mr LittleStuff showed me Orange Mama Sloth, I felt like I’d been missing out. Where has my Sloth been all my life? She’s the perfect bed-buddy, big enough to really cuddle. And such a fun addition to a shelf in the nursery! Her bright orange fur is very soft, and her face and ‘claws’ are made of gentle brown canvas. Her body is 12.5...
VQ Christie – LOVE this clever & pretty little digital retro radio
Ages ago, my beloved leather-clad vintage-look kitchen radio slowly died a crackling, buzzing, untune-able death. When I looked for a replacement, I had just two criteria – that it would look stylish and lovely in my kitchen (basically it needed to be pretty enough to raise a smile every time I turned it on), and that it would have an iPod dock; a lot of my audio books are on my iPod, and they’re my listening of choice for...