Element Iridium 820 Gaming Mouse Review
Gaming Mice are a new creature for most parents. I mean – a mouse is a mouse, right? It has two clicky buttons, one left, one right, and allows you to control the computer with point-and-click awesomeness. Yuh. Wrong. Because if you own a teen gamer, a simple left-click-right-click option isn’t going to cut it. Oh no no. They need programmable shortcut profile buttons, adjustable hand fit and a really good DPI...
Element Thorium 300 Gaming Keyboard – Review
Gaming Keyboards – until it appears on a birthday or Christmas wish-list, most parents won’t even know that such a thing exists. But once you’re a parent of a teen gamer, it’s very difficult to get away from them. And then you’re faced with buying one – and not only are they a baffling thing to purchase wisely for a non-gamer type, but they’re also an expensive way to buy a keyboard. So when...
Batman Moleskine – Finally, a notebook for boy teens #BackToSchool
Tomorrow my boy starts school. No, he’s not five; No.1 turned 16 in January, and after two years of Home Ed he’s re-entering the system for his A levels. So the last few weeks have been a weird combination of grumpy denial (I do NOT like being retsricted to school term dates again!), floating sadness (we’re going to miss hi and his mugs of tea) and excited preparations. About the only things we’ve not had to...
Spotted – Sadness Plush Soft Toy
We were lucky to go to a special Leicester Square screening of Inside out – and before we went Disney sent a Sadness plush soft toy for 8yr old Bear.Well – if you haven’t seen the movie, you’ll wonder why on earth you might want such a depressing soft toy sitting on your bed.But after the movie?Who doesn’t want a little Sadness Awesome to share their room with?Anyhoo – as you can see, Sadness...
Hotel Chocolat’s Everything Luxe box
I came to understand as I grew into adulthood that chocolate really isn’t my thing. I’m never the one to choose a chocolate option in a restaurant, I can’t ever eat a whole bar in one sitting, and I rarely bake chocolate cake (unless it’s crammed with courgettes and we happen to have a glut of them…). But actually, it’s not that I don’t love chocolate. I really do. But what I love is not just...
Bamboo Babygrow – most excellent baby pyjamas (*WARNING – CUTE baby alert)
The answer to baby pyjamas when the weather can’t make up its mind I don’t know about you but I’ve really struggled recently to know what to dress my baby in for bedtime. One minute it’s boiling hot, the next freezing cold. A vest on its own leaves her waking up chilly and grizzly an hour later but some of her regular babygros just make her hot and sweaty. What’s a mum to do? Step in Bubba Bambu and their range of hypo allergenic...