Hiking in Norway – Much Better Adventures
Despite the freezing temperature and the stomach churning heights, peeking over the mountain as the sun broke through the clouds, views of the fjords in every direction, I had never felt more alive. Reaching the summit of Breiskrednosi was one of the proudest moments of my life so far. I’d spent a couple of days with a group of total strangers, in a country I’d never visited, in a place I’d never been. God I was...
Top 5 ASOS Autumn Buys We Love – ALL UNDER £20!
With our British “Summer” slowing to a halt and Autumn fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking about what on earth you’re going to wear for the next 6-8 months. September’s here, and with it comes the frumpy jumpers, jeans & boots combos you whack out every year… I know ‘tis the season to wrap up warm and go for practical over… well, anything. And the drawn-out nights do make it more difficult to feel sexy,...
GCSE Resits: Don’t Panic – you can go again.
Today’s the day; up and down the country 16yr old’s are opening their GCSE Results envelopes and either sighing with relieved triumph or screwing it up in a rage – or more usually experiencing a range of emotions between the two.If you got the GCSE results you needed – Well Done! Move along, nothing to see here, you know your next steps.But you, over at the back there with the disappointed face on. If your...
Tips for Travelling with Teens
Taking your teenager on holiday with you can sometimes be a stressful endeavour, but with the right planning and preparations you can ensure the whole family enjoys the break. So if your child is reaching the age when spending time with their parents is just plain embarrassing, but they still join you on your family holidays, then this could be the perfect guide for you! Here we will outline some top tips for taking your teenager on...
Win 1 of 2 Gaming Headsets from Corsair! | #SummerStuff
It’s day six of #SummerStuff 2019, and today’s prize is potentially more for your teen than for you – we’ve TWO Corsair gaming headsets up for grabs! The CORSAIR HS35 is a fantastic stereo gaming headset for both new and seasoned gamers. And impoetantly, it is compatible with all gaming platforms: PC, Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch and mobile. Put it on and play in extreme comfort for hours on end thanks to its plush...
Getting Ready for the Estate Agents – When You Live With Teenagers…
Selling a house is stressful. Everyone knows this – it’s one of those ‘facts’ that everyone can trot out at a party “the three most stressful things in life are death, divorce and MOVING HOUSE!”. But what people don’t mention so often is the whole Getting Ready for the Estate Agents. With teenagers in your house. (and if you find yourself in this situation and by chance you’re located...