How to encourage your teen to exercise
Some teens naturally love exercise. They always seem to have a lot of energy and take part in after-school sports. Other teens are less active and prefer staying in their room to read or listen to music. While this isn’t a problem, it is important for all teens to get some exercise to keep their bodies healthy. However, forcing your teen to exercise is a sure-fire way to start an argument, so what can you do to encourage them? Here...
You’re Fierce. LOVING this Beautiful Little Enamel Pin.
Teens are ridiculously tricky to buy for – but oh what a perfect gift for your girl this is. Shakespeare said it first: “though she be but little, she is fierce.”. And how right he was. But sometimes your girl will feel a little fragile, and may just need reminding of her own fierceness. Which is, I think, where this beautiful little enamel pin from The Old English Company comes in. Buy it spontaneously, just...
Entire GCSE Maths Foundation in One Week? It’s the revison book every Yr11 needs right now!
Have your kids left their GCSE to the last minute? (I know, I know, rhetorical question. Of course they have. They all do. I know I did…)Then this book is just what they need. This little book of beauty breaks down the whole GCSE Maths Foundation course into one week’s worth of revision! No need for major shouting matches as you prise them away from Snapchat to face a maths book or two – just don’t let...
Birthday party ideas for your teenager
Coming up with birthday party ideas for teenagers can be tough – they are too old for the traditional children’s party games but still too young for pubs, clubs, and festivals. Some more independent teens may be up to the task of organising their birthday celebrations themselves, but many teenagers still need their parents to do all the legwork and it can be a lot of pressure, trying to impress a bunch of young people. Here are some...
How does a home educated teenager apply for University?
Every year, amongst the thousands of university entrants, there are of course home educated teenagers. But with no school or form tutor to walk you through the process, how does a home educated teenager apply for university? Well – it’s much like the rest of the exam system you will have navigated to get to this point: it’s a case of familiarising yourself with the steps, checking the timeline – and cracking on...
6 Cute Gift Ideas To Surprise Your Teen Kid With
Surprising your teenage child with a gift seems like an impossible mission; their tendencies, tastes, and passions are constantly changing. One thing can be trendy now and a couple of months later it’s no longer relevant. It’s hard to keep up with their wishes and the variety of trends that pop up every season. Whether they’re gamers, athletes, music lovers, or make-up enthusiasts, a teen’s gift should match and align with their...