

Everyone – I COME BEARING BEAUTY SECRETS!!! Okay, it’s an Il Makiage review… but I voluntarily bought it with my own money. And you’ll be pleased to know I’ve had such an aesthetically pleasing breakthrough that I’m going to share it with you all! I always promote natural beauty and loving yourself just how you are… However, I think it’s safe to say you’d have to be a pretty rare breed of human to wake up each...

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We’re Talking Porn with Teens; LittleStuff June is out now

We’re Talking Porn with Teens; LittleStuff June is out now

Hey, Summer, is that you at last? Huzzah! Here’s the latest (and yes, totally free) monthly magazine from me. It includes some new exclusive content, plus some of the best stuff you may have missed. A TASTER OF WHAT’S INSIDE: It’s SUMMER – 12 things I’m totally crushing on for being outdoors with this month.I’m Talking Porn with my teenagers. And so should you be; and it’s not just the...

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Teen starting DofE? What you actually need for your DofE Kit List; where to splurge and save.

Teen starting DofE? What you actually need for your DofE Kit List; where to splurge and save.

It was once the realm of the toughest of young scouts, cadets and other youth organisations, but it seems schools have caught on, and ‘doing DofE’ has become a right of passage. In the last few weeks I’ve seen countless parents on my social media feed wailing over the cost of the DofE kit list. And you, as a parent, quite possibly never did it yourself, and aren’t really sure what you’re letting yourself...

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Utterly Secluded in the Brecon Beacons – Patrishow Farm Review

Utterly Secluded in the Brecon Beacons – Patrishow Farm Review

We finally threaded through the last gate, switched off the car engine… and silence fell. As we eased out of the car, I think it’s fair to say we gawped a bit at the grand, stern beauty of Patrishow Farm, the farmhouse imposing itself on the land. When we turned to look down the valley we gawped a bit more. The view really was fabulous. We stayed at Patrishow Farm as guests of – they invited us...

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Top 5 gifts for those who have everything

Top 5 gifts for those who have everything

Kids are easy to buy for; they like toys, video games and movies. However, as your children get older and come toward the latter half of their teens, their personalities can develop and their tastes can change. It can feel like the scope of your gift giving narrows significantly, and not every parent can thrive under this kind of bottle neck pressure. By Pixel-Shot Shutterstock In this scenario, it can also feel like your kids already...

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Spotted – Gorgeous Yellow Adjustable Desk Lamp for £16!

Spotted – Gorgeous Yellow Adjustable Desk Lamp for £16!

It probably hasn’t escape regular readers attention that I have a bit of a ‘thing’ for an Anglepoise lamp. So much so that one of my genuinely most treasured possessions is ‘Arthur’; my original 1920s Herbert Terry Anglepoise lamp which my lovely husband bought me for my 40th birthday. I love him, and always thank him politely when he turns on (Arthur that is, not the husband. Don’t be smutty.)....

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