Brilliant Overnight Stay or short break for Southend On Sea. You know you want to.

Brilliant Overnight Stay or short break for Southend On Sea. You know you want to.

We recently had to visit family in Essex, and not wanting to do the trip in a day we decided to find a place to lay our heads for the night. Naturally, through past experience, we only really considered one option – Premier Inn. We’ve reviewed for them a few times in the past (the notable Father/Son road trip to Old Trafford entering Family Legend, with all of us declaring it “Good Coke!” at every meal out),...

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Chewits. Remember them?

Chewits. Remember them?

When the rather fab people at Chewits asked if we’d like a box of sweets to try out, I didn’t feel it would be polite to say no. Well, you wouldn’t, would you? But when the box arrived… well, let’s just say they weren’t kidding about the ‘box’ thing! We had a whole hamper of Chewits sweets – and who knew there were so many different types? For my old brain, Chewits come in fruity...

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Coming alive, it’s coming alive… Horrible Science is coming alive…

Coming alive, it’s coming alive… Horrible Science is coming alive…

Those clever clogs from the Birmingham Stage Company have done it again! The latest in the Horrible series stage shows has given me those exact words (“it’s coming alive, it’s coming alive…” to a maddening tune going round and round in my head, and just when I think I have shaken it off one of my lovely children pipes up and actually sings it and away we go again!   Horrible Science, the follow up to...

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Quirky – but Amazingly Brilliant – Wildlife Colouring Book from artist Sarah Lovell

Quirky – but Amazingly Brilliant – Wildlife Colouring Book from artist Sarah Lovell

A pet hate of mine has always been colouring books. I know, I know, it’s irrational and stupid. It’s not that I don’t like them – quite the opposite. I LOVE a good coluring book – it’s the lack of a *good* one that gets on my nerves so much. When the boys were younger they were never all that fussed about colouring, but now I have a daughter who’s colouring mad, I regularly revisit the Wrath...

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What We Thought of the HP Slate 7.

What We Thought of the HP Slate 7.

During our road trip through France recently, we were fortunate enough to be reviewing the HP Slate 7. Well – I say ‘we’ in the loosest possible terms. What I mean is, I saw it briefly before it was whisked out of my hands, only to be returned once we were back in the UK. But actually – rather than resenting taking a screen with us as I thought I would, I was glad to have it along. Here is the Slate 7 – a...

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Girls Saffron Yellow Duffle Coat. *swoons*

Girls Saffron Yellow Duffle Coat. *swoons*

  When a parcel arrived from Vertbaudet this week, there was a small squeak of interest from the girl of the house. But when I opened it and this saffron yellow girls duffle coat fell out? The squeaks turned to “oooh!”s from everyone, even the teen boys.   I mean seriously. Who WOULDN’T want a coat like this? It’s a Thing. Of. Beauty. But even better than the sheer prettiness, is the sheer...

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