Best Pool Toys for Confident Swimmers – Spinning Sticks, a Clam Hunt and a Ball!

Best Pool Toys for Confident Swimmers – Spinning Sticks, a Clam Hunt and a Ball!

When we went to France last year, we took a set of dive sticks with us. We soon learned that 3 sticks between four diving children is nowhere near enough (even though we only had THREE diving children when we arrived – it’s amazing how quickly they learn when they have a private pool to play in all day). So this year, we went prepared with extra pool toys, thanks to the kind people at SimplySwim. The first set we picked...

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Zinc Outbreak Scooter review –  Best stunt scooter for under £65!

Zinc Outbreak Scooter review – Best stunt scooter for under £65!

LittleStuff and the Zinc Outbreak Scooter review. We love scooters – we do. The skateboarding thing never really hit my boys. But my boys all like a nice safe handle bar to grab hold of as they steam up the half pipes. (I’m not too sorry about that, actually…) Hurtling round the halfpipes But as scooters have generally caught on in the UK and become absolutely okay to be seen hurtling around the half-pipes on, there...

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When LittleStuff Went To France – Les Suvieres Review

When LittleStuff Went To France – Les Suvieres Review

So finally, after two days and almost 1,000 miles, we arrived at our villa Les Suvieres, waaay down South near St Tropez. First impressions were great – a long quiet tree-lined drive up an almost unmade track. As the car slowed to a stop we were greeted by a smiling older lady whose English was as good as my French – but we had enough to get by, and the welcome was very warm. After a couple of minutes her daughter arrived,...

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Doodle by Stitch Tablecloth – Write On, Wash Off & Lots of Laughs

Doodle by Stitch Tablecloth – Write On, Wash Off & Lots of Laughs

The fabulous folk at Will & Glory asked us to review one of their wonderful products; the Doodle by Stitch Tablecloth – a cotton tablecloth that comes with a set of eight washable felt tips and permission to draw, write and doodle ALL over it. Weirdly fabulous! The first outing of the Doodle cloth was when my eldest had some friends over and the sun was shining. I made them lunch, arranged it on the outside table with a pot...

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The Tonka Fire Station. Keris Says It’s Great – But Where Are The Girls?

The Tonka Fire Station. Keris Says It’s Great – But Where Are The Girls?

The always-lovely Keris helped out by volunteering to review the Tonka Fire Station for us… When I brought the parcel through the house and told Joe it was for him, he jumped up and down, shouting “I’m going to poo my pants!” He doesn’t get much post. When I opened the parcel and he saw the Tonka Town Fire Station Play Set he was, if you can imagine this, even more excited. He ran up and down the hall...

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Walkers Mighty Lights. Yumyumyum.

Walkers Mighty Lights. Yumyumyum.

We were sent some of the new Mighty Lights to review a while ago. I admit it – I’m late with my review. Simply because they got snaffled nigh on instantly (though I DID manage to take a picture this time) – I need things loitering on my desk to remind me to write about them. Having them disappear in a ninja-like conspiracy of crunchy stealth does NOT help my efficiency drive (*eyes family sternly*) Anyhoo – I...

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