Review: bloom’s coco go Baby Seat/rocker
If there’s one thing that pleases me very much indeed it is products designed really well for babies. And my cup runneth over when those self same uber-practical products are incredibly easy on the eye. The Pretty’s no good without the practical to back it up, is it? So when those clever chaps at bloom decided to create a new rocker, I was agog. And just LOOK what they came up with! *stands back to allow the beauty to...
Review: The Petite Star Bubble. Yes – THAT Njoy stroller.
Have you seen it yet? The Petite Star Njoy Bubble is creating a bit of a storm in certain stroller circles… and we were dead excited to be one of the first in the UK to be asked to review the award winning stroller. Well, when I say ‘we’, I don’t actually mean me. Clearly my brood are too old for a stroller now, so I had to fight off offers asked one of the review team to do the honours for me....
Review – What to Expect When you’re Expecting
So – what to expect when you are watching What To Expect When You’re Expecting (sorry, I couldn’t resist). The storyline follows five couples as they each discover their pregnancies and their impending parent status. Obviously the situation of each couple is different, and between them they cover a wide range of (mostly) credible scenarios. Couple 1 – Jules and Evan (Cameron Diaz and Matthew Morrison) are a...
Review – Mac & Ninny Bookplates from The Wise House
Bookplates. I love them. I always have done. As a child, opening up a book and seeing the official ‘This is MINE!’ sticker was always brilliant (maybe because I was the last of four, and very little actually was ‘mine’, most things were my sisters first…). So when The Wise House sent these Mac & ninny bookplates to review, I couldn’t resist them. They’re GORGEOUS! And much nicer than I...
Babies In The Cinema – do you?
Five years ago, I was desperate to see the new Harry Potter film. I had a 3mth old baby which I didn’t want to leave with a sitter, so the husband and I decided to take her too. And it was fine – she slept most of the way through, woke at a few of the loud bits, and on the whole it was fine. But I was under no illusions – had she made any noise, I would have had to leave, as this was an evening showing, and the...
P20 – Brilliant Suntan Lotion. That smells like cat’s wee.
Suntan lotion – one of the bane’s of my summer life. You put it on, they go in the pool, you put it on, they go back in the pool… You spend a fortune on the stuff to keep them safe, and they wash it all into the pool water. So when P20 asked if we’d like to try out their once-a-day formula on our trip to France, I agreed to give it a bash. Once a day? Even if they’re swimming? Can that actually be true?...