How to redecorate your home on a budget!
If you’re short on funds but your house is in desperate need of a face-lift, don’t worry. There are a number of ways to revamp various rooms in the house without spending a fortune! Trust me – I’m not known as the Queen of Cheap for no reason! (Hmm, maybe I need to re-think that nickname…) This post will show you how to redecorate your home on a budget. Social media is slowly but surely taking over the world and...
This woman had a day off. And the day off was good.
So last week I was planning my day off, remember? I had it all worked out, thanks to One4all, and I was really looking forward to selfishly enjoy every last second. So at the end of the week I put my plan into action. I took a day off. via GIPHY I Took.ADay.Off. I KNOW! It wasn’t actually too tricky – I don’t have kids young enough to need military-style childcare in place; my youngest is 11 now, and as long as...
Suffering through Blue Monday? Frankly, This Woman Needs A Day Off.
Today’s Blue Monday. Before I even knew it was a ‘thing’, I definitely knew it was a thing. We all recognise it, don’t we? Christmas is done, the parties are over, the pretty sparkly lights are back in the loft. Work’s busier than you can handle, the weather is bloody miserable, and payday is still such a very very long way away. Frankly, if payday wasn’t quite so far off (and the credit card...
The Handmaid’s Tale Notebook. I WANT.
Oh my, how I want this Handmaid’s Tale Notebook. I have to say – I do try and stay clear of The Literary Gift Company. I actively avoid it, if I’m honest. WAY too tempting. But… temptation to get the better of me, and I wandered over for a quick peek. And once again, I sqeee-ed, oooh-ed, gasped, and was stabbed with longing everywhere I turned. So. Anyway. Once I dragged myself away from the bulging shopping...
The best unisex sports clothing this Black Friday
Sportswear is one of the most famous types of clothing in the world. It serves so many different purposes these days, as it can be worn for various occasions and situations. One recent development in the world of sports clothes is that it is becoming more unisex, with the same versions of popular products available, breaking down the barriers between genders. In this article, we’re going to look at some of the genderless sports...
Helpful Pointers for Selecting Wallpapers and Wall Murals for Teenagers’ Rooms
The right choice of wall murals and wallpapers can truly transform and make a statement in your teenager’s bedroom. They will have the perfect space to rest up after a long day, somewhere to retreat to and be along with their thoughts and study, as well as somewhere to entertain their friends. Choose from the large selection of wallpapers that are perfect for teen’s rooms at and create...