Poco Nido Baby Shoes from Monkey McCoy – by @mummyconstant

Poco Nido Baby Shoes from Monkey McCoy – by @mummyconstant

Sadly, it’s been quite a while since there was a pair of baby feet pattering around these floors, so when Monkey McCoy asked us if we’d like to review some delicious baby shoes, we had to recruit some extra assistance. Thanks to Sonia over at Mummy Constant who took on the challenge – and biggest thanks to Isla for letting us borrow her feet to test them on…   Monkey McCoy sent Isla out some beautiful Poco...

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Hoseasons Darwin Country Park, Derbyshire – Holiday Review

Hoseasons Darwin Country Park, Derbyshire – Holiday Review

Hoseasons invited us to review one of their holiday parks this Summer, the Darwin Forest Country Park just outside Matlock, Derbyshire. We are always happy to hear the words ‘holiday’ and ‘review’ and nodded vigorously, cleared some time in our diary and set to planning our trip to the Derbyshire Peak District. Before the holiday I had a good browse of their website and was delighted to see a Certificate of Excellence 2013 Winner from...

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Properly Lovely and Utterly Personal from Little Red Boots. *swoons happily*

Properly Lovely and Utterly Personal from Little Red Boots. *swoons happily*

These are images of my oldest son. He’s 14 now, but can you see a familiar person in these shots? Yes. Lionel. (well – to be fair, you can’t tell from these, but it’s actually LionelS – plural) See, when he was younger than he is in the shot on the left, he pinched Lionel from the shelf in Mothercare – just reached out from the pushchair and nabbed him, cooing in adoration. Being a new Mum I...

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Perfect Prettiness – Dress For Sunshine.

Perfect Prettiness – Dress For Sunshine.

We’ve reviewed Sunuva clothing before – and we’ve never yet been disappointed. In fact, one of the girl’s favourite tops is still last summers Kaftan (with her sprouting so much leg it’s not really long enough for a dress now…). So when a new parcel arrived in the post there was a little excited flapping (and no, not just by the squeaky 6yr old, either). And just look what was inside! The MOST...

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Walkers Hoops and Crosses. (N.B. There’s an unfortunate lack of photographs in this post.)

Walkers Hoops and Crosses. (N.B. There’s an unfortunate lack of photographs in this post.)

We were happy to take part in the launch of the new Walkers Hoops and Crosses baked snacks. Let’s face it – snack times are endless with four children in the house, and anything that gets more nutrients into them is fine by me. So – the box of sample arrived, and was eagerly opened. A seriously cute cheeky monkey was instantly appropriated by the 6yr old, and the 11yr old grabbed the bag of snacks. I went to get my...

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Anna Nook – Old Fashioned Beauty in a Girl’s Dress.

Anna Nook – Old Fashioned Beauty in a Girl’s Dress.

When I saw the Anna Nook dresses, I was a little bit blown away. Here, at last, was the old-fashioned loveliness it is increasingly hard to find for my daughter. So when I had the chance for Pink to own one of her own – well naturally, how could I refuse. The idea is simple – there is but one style of dress (they call it the Nanook) which is a simple and classic pinafore. They’re made in a gorgeous Noil Silk –...

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