The Four, the Laundry, the Life… In Which No.1 turns 11.

Yes, yes, I know, it seems like only a few days ago we had a birthday in this house. That’s because we did. No.1 and Pink’s birthdays are 7 days apart (and Jolly is just before Christmas. Fine planning, indeed). So – No.1 is eleven today. ELEVEN! It just seems so big. I know we say that every year, but this one feels like the closing of an era – I see him changing right in front of me, morphing from my darling...

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The Four, the Laundry, the Life… The One in Which Bear Turns Three

The Four, the Laundry, the Life… The One in Which Bear Turns Three

The thing about being the fourth child is that the big milestones seem.. well, a little less big. For No.1’s third birthday the grandparents came to stay, and we all took off to the zoo for the day. For Bear? Well, about 9.30 Wednesday night I had a quick rummage in a drawer and then debated with C about whether it was worth going out to get some balloons… But I was a good parent, and I did go. And then I wrapped the small...

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The Four, the Laundry, the Life…

So, by popular request, I have been voted to do some more personal blogging on here (it’s a tough job, I know, but someone had to volunteer…). So, for those who don’t know us, here’s a quick recap on who ‘we’ are… Me – 35. married since I was *just* 18 to the same man. Four children. Run LittleStuff with the oh-so-fabulous Katy, and also assist husband with his business. Love to read,...

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