Free; the April LittleStuff magazine is out now

Free; the April LittleStuff magazine is out now

The April edition of LittleStuff magazine is out now – and this month we’re ALL about the stressy teens and their revision-y angst. First, this month’s competition; you’ve the chance to win £750 of Easy Camp family camping gear for a whole summer of adventures! There’s also an entire set of Letts GCSE Revision books (which handily comes with 6mths Spotify Premium membership so they...

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Direct London-Amsterdam Train, in under 4hrs, for £35? We Tried It.

Direct London-Amsterdam Train, in under 4hrs, for £35? We Tried It.

When we saw that Eurostar had introduced a direct London-Amsterdam train, we just had to give it a go. It’s no secret that we’re big fans of train travel – with a husband who simply won’t fly, train travel is how Europe opened up to us for some fabulous kid-free short breaks (there are benefits to the small people growing into capable teenagers who can be left alone for a few days without burning the house (or...

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Hotel near London Coliseum – English National Opera (ENO)? Try Holborn | Thistle Kingsley Review

Hotel near London Coliseum – English National Opera (ENO)? Try Holborn | Thistle Kingsley Review

This week I was oh-so-super excited to be headed into London for a new experience – I had my very first ‘night at the opera’ (and before you roll your eyes… 1) everyone should go at least once, and 2) the ENO runs this amazing Opera Undressed scheme specially for opera virgins and it’s bloody brilliant). But as is always the case, I needed a bed for the night; it’s just not possible for us to go...

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I’m In Love. #OperaUndressed

I’m In Love. #OperaUndressed

I have honestly just had one of the most glorious nights in a theatre I can remember. It was a Christmas gift from my in-laws – I had seen a mention that ENO run regular ‘Opera Undressed’ events, designed especially for opera virgins. **And no, this is NOT a paid review – the tickets were paid for by my lovely Mother In Law. I just loved the whole thing SO much, I have to share it** Now I know I’m not...

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Pre Theatre Dinner At The Boulevard Brasserie | Review

Pre Theatre Dinner At The Boulevard Brasserie | Review

If you’ve ever headed to the West End for a night out, you’ll know there’s a perennial thorny issue that will face you – choosing your theatre is simple; but choosing where to eat for your pre-theatre dinner? So much harder. Last week saw us headed to Londinium for a special personal treat; my sister lives in Kent, I live in Dorset, and we really don’t meet often enough. but once a year we DO something....

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Covent Garden Hotel Deals – Strand Palace Hotel’s offer is genuinely surprising value

Covent Garden Hotel Deals – Strand Palace Hotel’s offer is genuinely surprising value

Recently we had another tick on our ‘Kid-Free New Stuff’ short break excursions list – this time we were heading into London for my very first ballet. Thanks to lovely C, my Christmas present was tickets for A Winter’s Tale at the Royal Opera House; we can’t see an evening show in London and still make it to Waterloo for the last train home to Dorset, so we had a hunt for Covent Garden hotel deals. My first choice was the Strand...

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