No-Fly City Break – Bordeaux, anyone?
So why a No-Fly City Break I’m married to a non-flyer. It’s not always been the case – he dragged me on to my first plane for our honeymoon in Kenya, but over the years for whatever reason a deep instinctual fear of flying has set in. And he’s not alone – apparently 30% of us suffer from aviophobia, in varying degrees from faintly worried to unspeakably terrified. Whilst Mr...
Top Tips on Driving Abroad
Just 18mths ago we had the family road trip of a lifetime – a monster 4,000 mile road trip in a motorhome, driving from home in Dorset right across France and around as much of Italy as we could possibly manage to cover. We were no strangers to driving abroad, though, having opted for driving holidays as the best option for many years. To be fair, when I say ‘we’ I’m being a bit loose with the term. I tend to...
Say Goodbye to Grumpy and Hello to AWESOME this Summer! (*Merlin Annual Pass Summer Sale!*)
Merlin Annual Pass Summer Sale is on NOW – which means you can have a whole summer full of fun (no matter what the sun does) – keep it going for a whole year! Don’t think you’ve missed out on the best part of the season, because the pass is valid for a full 12mths no matter WHEN you buy it – so get it now, and it’ll be valid through the early part of next year too! We all know haw fast the summer...
Heading to Paris this summer? Join the Paris Selfie Race with #ParisWeLoveYou
Ah, Paris. A place so many of us hold dear – whether through fabulous memories of special times, or as a place we’ve always longed to explore. If you’re lucky enough to be heading off there this summer, make sure you take a few selfies while you’re there – and join in with the #ParisWeLoveYou campaign. There are some fabulous prizes to be won daily – and the overall winner gets an all-expenses paid...
Holidaying when pregnant – did you/would you?
When Boy was a not-very-small almost-8mth bump inside me, I finally started my maternity leave and we promptly took off on holiday. We already had a 3 yr old, funds were tight and the British summer was actually glorious (no, really, it was…) so we decided that holidaying when pregnant definitely meant the camping thing. I’ll admit I did some fast-talking to convince Mr LittleStuff that I could TOTALLY handle camping with...
I had a Mum’s Day Off and it was fabulous. #MomsDayOffContest
When Crocs got in touch a few weeks ago and asked if I was interested in taking a day off for their #MomsDayOffContest campaign, I’ll admit I was a bit surprised – usually brands want to me to do work for them, not bunk off completely. But who was I to argue? So I checked the weather forecast, and on Wednesday I headed out for a solo adventure. And I felt ridiculously free – I simply cannot remember the last...