Mighty Mug (anyone with a desk NEEDS this mug. Powered by magic it is)
So far this year I have killed a keyboard, a mouse, a Wacom Pen Tablet (*cries* that was an expensive death) and countless pieces of Very Important paperwork.How? Coffee. I know, I admit it.I. Am. Clumsy. Having a mug of coffee on my desk is like an open invitation for a hot brown liquid lake to launch itself at the nearest Important Thing. If it’s connected to an electrical supply? So much the better. So imagine my glee when I...
Mumpreneurs? This is what Staples had to say…
You probably noticed that earlier in the week a got a le-e-e-tle bit riled up about the use of the word Mumpreneur. It looked a bit like this… Well, it was triggered by a few companies who all happened to land in my inbox in the space of half an hour – and Staples was one of them, for running a ‘Mumpreneur of the Year 2012’ competition in conjunction with Netmums. It’s actually a totally fantastic...
Mumpreneurs My Arse.
Today I have received three different emails, from three different sources, all along the same theme. And all three had me grinding my teeth in an attractive snarly fashion. The first? “Staples® UK is today launching their search to find the ‘Mumpreneur of the Year’ in partnership with Netmums.” The second, which landed just a few minutes later? “Nectar Business… recently held their Small Business Awards and I...
Our Top Ten Tips on Successfully Working From Home
It’s living the dream, isn’t it? Successfully Working From Home? That’s what I’m told often , anyway. Fact is, for anyone that actually DOES it, they know it is very far from living the dream. Most would call it ‘living-the-do-half-as-well-at-everything-nightmare’ a lot of the time. But, on those days that you get it right? Oh yes – it’s those times that make me realise I could never go...