Dermalogica Sheer Tint – sheer fabulousness in a tube.

It’s no secret that when I turned 40, my skin started acting up like it was 15. Adult acne. I mean, come on. HOW is that fair?
So along with having to learn how to look after it for the first time in my life (What? I did use baby wipes on it – sometimes… – and I always used sunscreen when abroad, at least… *cough*), I was absolutely forced into taking a long hard look at what exactly I was putting on my skin.
It was frankly a bit appalling.
It seems I haven’t bought much make up in a rather long time.
That brilliant No.7 solid foundation that you can use with a  damp or dry sponge? yeah, that was a thing 16 years ago, apparently.
Still there in my bag.
Those bronzing balls (Oh my goodness. they still make them?!) you use as a blusher on the rare occasions you use it?
Uh huh – you bought those for your honeymoon. In 1992.
That new, pretty three-colour eyeshadow set you love? that was a Christmas gift four years ago.

Pretty quickly I established that
A) I need new make up,
B) I’ll never make it as a Beauty Blogger and
C) I’m so bloody old.
And so it all went in the bin. Hardly surprising that my tired old skin was raising a rebellion, is it?

But now that I’d got this new sensitive skin issue, what am I to put on it? In stepped the lovely husband with a face starter kit of the fabulous Bare Minerals plus a lush eye palette. A small investment in a new mascara and some lippy, and I was set.


With the new duff skin complexion, I found myself want to wear make up more often than normal – I usually only wear it when I’m off out-out. But now I found myself wanting to even things out and cover up the redness a little. But of course, the more I wore, the more damage I did. I found even the soft gentle mineral powder foundation made my skin dry, and the following morning I’d be back to fighting the spots again.
Plus there’s the fact that I have neither the time nor the patience for a 5-step skin cover up routine every morning.

Once again, though, Dermalogica stepped to my aid. Because they sent over some of their new Sheer Tint Moisturiser. I was dubious, knowing that most moisturisers simply leave my skin greasy and clogged and breaking out in a few hours.
But I gave it a go. And behold – a wonder did occur.
It’s so simple and easy to apply, because, y’know, it’s a moisturiser. But that sheer tint? It’s just enough. It’s not thick and heavy and covering like a cream moisturiser, and because of that it doesn’t feel heavy on my skin.

But the sheer wash of colour is enough to even out the skin tone and provide the softening that I’m looking for – I can wear this every day, feeling confident to be out and about, but without feeling like I’ve layered on the foundation to cover my face. dermalogica-sheer-tint-moisturiser
These were taken two minutes apart – straight out of camera, the only difference is the sheer tint has been applied for the image on the right. You can see how it clearly doesn’t look like I’m made up – but the skin appears smoother and the blotchy red tones on my cheeks and forehead are much more even and cool. Perfect for an every day look for me.
Best of all, my skin loves it – the pearl amino acids, hydrating Hyaluronic Acid and antioxidant Walnut Seed extracts actually help improve? the skin texture, and it’s formulated without artificial fragrances and colours.
I couldn’t be without it now.
The Dermalogica Sheer Tint comes in three basic shades (I used ‘light’) and is £34.80 for a 40ml tube – which isn’t huge, but you only need a small amount so it lasts and lasts. I’m willing to bet it would be perfect on volatile teen skin too…


Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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1 Comment

  1. Laura, thanks for such a rave review! We’re so glad that you are enjoying our Sheer Tint and are even more glad that we sent it to you, we hoped you’d like it!

    We absolutely LOVE seeing your posts, they’re well written, funny and ‘sheer’ joy to read – THANK YOU!

    Emily/Elsa, Dermalogica.

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