Fabulous Faux Fur Hot Waterbottle from M&S #ChristmasGiftGuide

Now we all like to use the winter as a good excuse to cozy up now don’t we? And there is nothing better on a cold grey winters day than to be in your comfies on the sofa in front of a good ole weepy film, box of something sweet to nibble from and something yum to drink. And to add something extra, a little decedant if you will, why not this lovely Faux fur hotwater bottle from M&S, we think you will agree it’s rather fab.


faux fur hot waterbottle

And if not for you, it would certainly make a wonderful gift as the weather turns chillier! A hot water bottle, complete with a luxuriously soft faux fur cover and a removable pom pom!

The important bits –

  • 36x23x5cm
  • Height: 36 cm
  • Width: 23 cm
  • Depth: 5 cm
  • Volume/Capacity: 2 l

So, get your hands on this Fabulous Faux Fur Hot Waterbottle from M&S now its a real no brainer at just £29.50

Author: Courtenay

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