Family Games from Hasbro #ChristmasGiftGuide

Christmas is big in our household, we love every aspect of it. I know there is a million and one way’s to do Christmas, and I also know that everyone thinks that their way is totally the best way to do it! Well we are certainly sure that our Christmas is definately the best, and we wouldn’t change a single thing.

We have a somewhat traditional Christmas, deorations do not go up until as late as possible, no month long dec’s to be found here. My OH’s family used to put them up on Christmas Eve, but with one of our children having a birthday on the 22nd (yeah I know, timing right!) we didn’t think it fair to be decorating so close. So we usually decorate around the 17th of December as a good compromise! Christmas eve is a cook up day for me and the OH, and the children when smaller went out with the grandparents, now days they are off doing their own thing. But come tea time everyone is together for the traditional  Christmas story, stockings et al and off to bed. Christmas day its up and stockings from Father Christmas first, then the dinner preps, dinner itself, a cuppa with the Queen (not literally ‘with’ her you understand) before the main present opening in the afternoon, yes thats right in the afternoon. Teatime is then followed by an evening of games, silly fun traditional party parlour games, no TV’s on here over Christmas. Boxing day follows a similar format and the games continue for a couple of days after that. we try to keep the 12 days of Christmas and the dec’s finally come down on the traditional twelfth night 6th January.

Now as I have already said, traditional games play a big part in our Christmas so when we were asked by the fab people at Hasbro to have a play with a few family favourite games of course we were only to pleased to say yes.

First up, Twister!

This fab game challenges you to put your hands and feet at different places on the mat without falling over! You have to be the last player standing to win. This version is slightly different and incorporates two new moves! With Spinner’s Choice, the spinner makes up a move for the other player to do. There are Fun Spinner’s Choice ideas on the back of the spinner! If the spinner lands on Air, the player must put a hand or foot in the air!

It really is a great game and will definitely add a twist of fun into any party or family night with the game that ties you up in knots! You do need to be somewhat flexible though. This TWISTER game is the classic game with 2 more moves. Give the spinner a whirl and see what’s next as you try to keep your hands and feet on the mat! Right foot red! Can you do it? Left foot green… you got it! If your knee or elbow touches the mat, or you fall over, you’re out. Be the last player standing to win!

We love this game, although perhaps not for all the older members of the family, maybe add a bit of spice at New Year with a few drinks chucked in!

Next we had a look at Trivial Pursuit family edition!


We love Trivial Pursuit, but to be honest it’s not really been a favourite of the children, especially when they were younger. Mainly due to the questions being more for adults I would suspect which means they felt somewhat excluded, so usually this game would be held back for adult evenings. But this fab version, has been streamlined with fresh questions at a quick pace to make it more exciting. And there are questions directly aimed at the younger members of the family too, to be honest stuff we had never even heard of, getting old y’see!

You can play individually or in teams and with nearly two and a half thousand questions at hand, split evenly between the children and the adults its sure to provide much laughter and plenty of entertainment.

Next is the very silly, Pie Face!


Remember the old custard pie in the face gag? Yup, you got it!

The exciting Pie Face game is filled with fun and suspense, and somebody’s bound to get splatted! Just put some delicious whipped cream from home or the wet sponge on the “hand” of this hilarious game unit and start turning the handles. It could go off at any time, so keep your fingers crossed and hope you’re not the one who gets a splat in the face! You score a point for every time you turn the handle without getting pie-faced, and the one who scores 25 points wins. Take some risks and hope for the best in this hilarious Pie Face game!

This game is a riot, and again maybe another offering for a New Years party as well!

The box says not suitable for under 3’s as it has small parts, oh and have a towell to hand!


Last but not least is the very funny Speak Out!


There is a kids versus adults version of this game, but we have the original version, totally hilarious, I dare you to keep a straight face!

Try to say different phrases while wearing a mouthpiece that won’t let you shut your mouth, ha, it’s much harder than you think! In the Speak Out game, players draw a card from the deck and read the phrase as best as they can, but it’s not so easy to do when the mouthpiece is hindering them from forming words correctly. The timer counts down as players try to say phrases such as “he’s my stealthy pet ferret name Garrett”, “slow down, you careless clown”, or “pelicans love pollywog falafels.” The laughter continues as players try to decipher what in the world their teammate is trying to say, and must correctly guess the phrase in order to earn the card. The team with the most cards at the end of the game wins. The Speak Out game includes 200 double-sided cards, 10 mouthpieces, and a timer. Not that I think you will ever get to the end of the questions, you’ll be laughing too much!


All these fab games and more can be purchased directly from the Hasbro website  or many other good stores both on the high street or online. A great addition we think to your Christmas, or perhaps a gift under the tree!

Author: Courtenay

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