I was very excited when I spoke to the lovely people at Little Helper this week, who are really keen for us to review their new highchair version of the amazing FunPod.
It arrived on Friday, and I couldn’t help but immediately put it together – despite lack of adult company to distract the eager 2yr old assistant:
This was how it looked when I unpacked the box:
10 minutes later I was this far – note the oh-so-helpful assistant:
Assistant is bored now…
20 minutes in, and it’s all looking very exciting again:
The little chair is VERY popular:
Yes, that’s the little chair in pieces behind her – trying to fix the tray on I realised that I had the sides on the wrong way round. The consequent dismantling of the chair caused a mini furore…
With the sides on the right way, the tray works, and Ella is content again:
35 minutes and Looking Good! Now just the tricky bit of getting her out again to put the cushion in…